Submitted to OnFocus – On Thursday, Jan. 14, the Clark County Health Department (CCHD) and Emergency Management hosted a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) drive-through vaccination clinic at the Greenwood Area Fire and EMS Station in Greenwood. The vaccination clinic distributed Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations, and was limited to healthcare workers, long term care residents, and others defined in Phase 1A. A total of 120 individuals were given a COVID-19 vaccination.

Immediately after receiving the vaccination, individuals were monitored for 15 minutes by the Greenwood Fire and EMS personnel. Protocols put into place by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) requires extra doses from the vaccination clinic to be saved for future clinics, and can only be administered to those whom are eligible.

“Once again, our local partners have come together and provided the CCHD with the necessary support to make the 2nd COVID-19 drive through clinic a success. I’m proud of the strong collaboration we have in Clark County. Everyone is always eager to lend a hand, which is a key contributing factor to our successful clinic outcomes of vaccinating 250 individuals in two events,” said Brittany Mews, CCHD Director/Health Officer. “We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Clark County Sheriff’s Office, Greenwood Police Department, Greenwood Fire and EMS, and other individuals who made this event possible.”

The CCHD plans on hosting additional vaccination clinics as vaccine supply is allocated to the department. For the latest up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 vaccine clinics and recipient eligibility, please refer to the CCHD’s Facebook page and the COVID-19 vaccination page of the Clark County website.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk