Security Health Plan invests $1,000 in Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity


SHP Donates $1,000 Through Employee-Driven Corporate Giving Campaign

Submitted to FOCUS – Tiffany Halan’s grandmother took a “people helping people” approach 20 years ago when she asked her family to donate to the Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity instead of buying her Christmas gifts.

Today, her granddaughter continues her legacy: Thanks to nominator and Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation Director of Operations Tiffany Halan, Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity (MAHFH) will receive $1,000 from Security Health Plan’s monthly Employee-Driven Corporate Giving campaign.

MAHFH is a non-profit Christian housing ministry that partners with families in need, volunteer workers and local business to build new homes, renovate existing homes and complete critical housing repair to ensure community members have a decent, affordable place to live.

Habitat for Humanity “partner” families build or repair their homes alongside volunteers. Donations allow these families to pay an affordable, no-interest mortgage – empowering them with the pride of homeownership and allowing Habitat to invest in homes for other families. Ninety-seven percent of Habitat donations fund programs that support the Marshfield, Stratford, Spencer, Hewitt, Arpin and Pittsville communities.

“At Habitat, we work to build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter,” said Halan. “Decent shelter means strong childhood development, a healthier (and less stressed) family environment, and the financial flexibility to invest in education and pursue opportunities.”

But, Halan emphasized, the program is not a give-away: Habitat partner families are invested in their homes. Families qualify based on their level of need, the adequacy of their present housing, their willingness to participate in the program’s required “sweat equity” component and their ability to repay the home loan.

The Kruger family moved to Marshfield from Chicago with only a bag of clothes to their name. When their experiences in Chicago left them feeling unsafe even taking their children outside, they decided it was time to move. They came to Marshfield for its safe environment and built a life for themselves here – with the help of Habitat.

“We’re proud of ourselves for making a life from nothing, but our house is a dream come true,” said the Krugers.

“MAHFH’s greatest challenge is funding. We can’t start a build until we know we have enough funding, and since we are only currently able to complete one build a year, getting the word out about our organization is tough,” said Halan.

But Halan is trying to spread the word in her role as Public Relations Chair on the MAHFH Board of Directors: “A Habitat home is a strong foundation for a family, an opportunity on which they can build a better life. It’s no secret that strong and stable homes help build strong and stable communities,” she said.

Help build up our community. Click here to volunteer for a build, learn how you can donate needed supplies or make a donation.

Every month Security Health Plan donates $1,000 as part of its Employee-Driven Corporate Giving campaign. Marshfield Clinic Health System employees are encouraged to nominate an organization that is making a positive difference in the community.

News Desk
Author: News Desk