Share Your Opinion: What are the Biggest Health Needs in Wood County?

health survey

WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI (OnFocus) – Do you live or work in Wood County? What health needs impact your community? Healthy People Wood County (HPWC) invites you to join their efforts to improve health in Wood County by taking an online survey. The survey asks people in the community about their health needs and what they think can help improve health. Then HPWC uses this information to create a plan to make things better. After you take the survey, you can enter to win 1 of 3 $50 gift cards. Take the survey here:

Healthy People Wood County (HPWC) is a group of community partners and residents working together to improve health in Wood County. The ultimate goal of their work is to create thriving communities where all people in Wood County have a fair opportunity to be as healthy as possible regardless of income, age, location, race, ethnicity, gender, or any other factor.

This survey was created by the Wood County Health Department, Aspirus Riverview Hospital and Clinics, and Marshfield Clinic Health System. This survey is done every three years to stay up to date with the most current health needs, and to create a plan to improve health in Wood County.

The last survey, in addition to other data, found the most important health needs in Wood County were access to healthy foods, family health, housing, reducing incarceration, mental health, substance use, youth health, and transportation and recreation. Learn more about our current Community Health Improvement Plan, and Healthy People Wood County by visiting our website at

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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