Six Candidates to Run For Two Spots on Auburndale School Board


AUBURNDALE, WI (OnFocus) – The Auburndale School District will have two seats available for candidates in the April 5th Spring Election.

There are six community members running for the two seats on the school board in the Auburndale School District. This requires a primary election to reduce the number of candidates to four for the April 5 ballot.

Residents of the Auburndale district will be asked to vote for their top two candidates on Tuesday, February 15.

The candidates include: Dave Homb (former board member), Pamela K. de Boer (incumbent), Mike Sabel (former member), Scott Karl, Dale A. Aue (incumbent) and Steve Becker.

The District asked each candidate four questions about their candidacy and the position. Here are their responses:

1. Why are you running for the school board and what are your priorities as a candidate?

Homb: I value education and want to assist our teachers and staff in providing the best education we can to prepare our students for their lives after school. Like technology, education is also evolving, and Auburndale needs to be at the forefront of adapting our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. There are also some things the Board has done over the last year that I feel were not in the best interest of our District. We accomplished some great things during my previous time on the Board and I would like to continue to do that.

de Boer: I was once told that education is something that can never be taken away from you. Our students at Auburndale are the community’s future. I would like to continue to give our students the tools and confidence that they need to be successful in life and find a profession that they love, whether that is entering directly into the workforce, or earning that extra degree at a vocational, 2 year, or 4 year program. I believe that what students have accomplished at Auburndale creates the foundation for any endeavor.

My priorities would remain as they have for the last six years, to be consistent, transparent, fiscally responsible to our taxpayers, and at the end of the day, ALWAYS do what is in the BEST interest for our students.

Sabel: I am running for school board after several community members asked me to do so. I am recently semi-retired so I have time to devote to talking with district residents and gathering information so informed decisions can be made. My son graduated from Auburndale in 2014. I’ve been an active Auburndale Community member since 1981 and want to see the Auburndale school district students, in all their diversity and situations succeed. For students to succeed, students, parents and family, community members and school employees need to work together for each individual student!

Karl: “Home.” This word best describes what Auburndale means to me. As an alumni of the Auburndale school system, some of my fondest memories along with a quality education come from this community. I am running for school board to ensure that this opportunity is provided for my children, grandchildren, and every other student that has the privilege to attend Auburndale Schools. As a candidate, my priorities will be to keep the district running smoothly with the constant changes and challenges our students face. I would like to see continual advancement of Agriculture, Art, Music, Technology, and Physical Education as well as core classes. When students graduate from Auburndale High School, I want to ensure that each one is well-equipped to further their education or join the workforce. With school choice in place, my goal is to increase our school enrollment by continuing to foster the growth of our students academically, physically, and emotionally in a safe place they have the opportunity to call “home.” 

Aue: I am running for the school board to represent our community as an alum and as a parent of three current students and one Auburndale graduate. I believe in quality public education for our current and future students. I want to help direct the education of the youth in our community by continuing to share my time, talents, and experiences by serving on the school board. 

My top priority continues to be to preserve and improve our high standards of education in our school system that supports the full development of all children. My other priorities are to listen to the community, keep improving our campus and facilities, work to attract more families and students to our schools and ensure that the district is being fiscally responsible. 

Becker: I am a 2001 graduate of Auburndale High School. Along with my wife Shelly, who is also an AHS graduate, we are owner and operators of our dairy farm, Git-R-Done Farm, since 2004. We also started up a custom large square baling business in 2014, and run with two balers throughout the season with the help of our 5 children who range from 11th-3rd grades. I am running for school board to ensure that the students of Auburndale Schools get the education that they deserve to be healthy, strong, independent, and successful in their futures. School should be a fun learning environment for the students. I encourage anyone to reach out to me with any questions or concerns that you may have. 

2. What are the strengths of our district and how will you strengthen our school for the future?

Homb: Our biggest strength is our staff. Our administration, teachers, and support staff are doing some amazing things. I see their dedication to our students and their families every time I’m in the buildings. Productive employees need to know they are appreciated and that their ideas and opinions are valued. As in the past, I will be in the buildings, talking to staff, listening, and showing them the gratitude they deserve.

Our community is also one of our biggest strengths. From fundraising to athletics, band, choir and drama performances, District residents are always there to support our students. Even with the uncertainty over the last few years, our residents came out and supported our referendums. Through improving communication with our community, we can strengthen this relationship even more. I have always and will continue to be available to everyone to discuss their ideas and concerns.

de Boer: I believe the strengths of our district and, ultimately, the reasons that set Auburndale Schools apart include:

a. It’s a great place to raise a family.
b. We have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities.
c. We have small class sizes in the elementary school.
d. Our school forest, Ag program, AP classes, Hands on vocational classes provide opportunities for students to get involved and follow their interests.
e. Our leadership class.
f. Our teachers & staff that challenge our students.
g. Our five-member school board that supports our students and their success.

Strengthening what we have is an ongoing commitment, as the school board, students, teachers, community members, and our administration work together to adapt to our changing world.  In the past few years, we adapted from in-person to virtual learning.  We reopened our schools so our students could again meet in-person and interact with their peers.   We have navigated countless challenges in a changing world.  I believe my diverse background and different skill sets of knowledge and experiences are a valuable asset that will continue to strengthen our school district.  I strive to lead with authenticity, practicality, and transparency all with a positive, can-do attitude.

Sabel: The Auburndale school district has some strengths and some challenges. Most of our employees really care about the well-being and education of our students and their families during and out-of-school times. The school district encourages hands-on learning with small class-size, so each student has several methods of learning and remembering facts and processes.

I would like to strengthen the school district by listening to all parties on all items. Communication can always be improved. The board member and board should listen to all people. The school district needs to communicate the monthly board meeting tentative agenda in the weekly Signal given to students and placed throughout the communities, the week before the monthly meeting. This gives people time to know what business the board is going to do, and a person can communicate their views to both individual board members and the entire board by appearing at the monthly meeting. The school curriculum must teach the values that we as a community have. On any issue, the rights of the minority will be enforced while it will be the rule of the majority.

Karl: I believe our district has many strengths. Our district has been able to complete updates and new additions to create ample learning space in structurally sound buildings. Our school forest is conveniently close which allows for “hands-on” learning for both our elementary and middle/high school students. Most importantly, our staff has a healthy mix of recent graduates, as well as, experienced educators who offer a welcoming environment for our students to learn and grow in. The smaller class sizes allow for more one-on-one learning and the forming of meaningful relationships between peers and their educators. 

Aue: The strengths of our district are the students and their families, our teachers and staff, and the outstanding community involvement. We have a wide array of programs and extracurricular opportunities to meet all our students’ interests and talents. 

To strengthen our school for the future, we need to continue to improve the communication between the schools, parents, and community. We need to keep building curriculum that is evolving and dynamic, changing to meet students’ needs and prepare them for success in the ever-changing real world. 

Becker: We recently made a large investment into our schools with more modern technology and better learning experiences for the students that could help assist students in future jobs. I also feel that the School Forest and Learning Center is a huge asset for all the students. It gives them an outdoor classroom which provides fresh air and a break from the regular classroom setting while taking in new experiences from Mother Nature. I would like to encourage more involvement from our local businesses to help optimize our students’ experiences in and out of the classroom. Our new trades facility could produce the training and skills for many job opportunities that are available locally. 

3. What type of relationships should the school board and its members have with its community, parents, and families?

Homb: The Board is elected by the members of the community to act as their connection to the District and make decisions based on the values and beliefs of the taxpayers, community members, parents and families. Board members should be in the community, listening and asking questions. Even with social media, the Board has found that it is hard to reach everyone and we need to do a better job of that. I would like to see more surveys and town hall type meetings where the community can ask questions and voice concerns.

de Boer: Relationships with community, parents, and families as a board member are key. As a board member you are one voice in a five-member board. I feel that school board members should be fair, approachable, and open to hearing concerns and accolades of our school district. This type of relationship with our community ensures that all invested parties have a voice in the direction our district is headed.

Sabel: The school district is financed by local, state and federal money. The local board, five elected community members, form policy and make sure the policy is being followed. When a student, parent, community member or school employee feel a policy is not being followed correctly, they should talk with one of the school principals or district administrator. If the situation is not taken care of by a principal or the district administrator and you feel a violation has occurred, please contact a board member. The board member should gather information and report it to the entire board to determine if a policy has been followed. The full board may further investigate the situation and action may or may not be taken. The board member should also attend a number of activities at the school to see the great work our students achieve and to talk with the public. The number of activities watched or involved in will depend upon the work and family schedule of the member and the Covid-19 situation.

Karl: I feel that an open relationship between the school board and its members and the community, parents and families is necessary in keeping the best interest of our students in mind. They say “it takes a village to raise a child” and there needs to be strong communication and collaboration between all involved. 

Aue: The relationships that school board members have with their community, parents and families is vital to the success of the school district. There needs to be honesty, transparency, and regular open lines of communication. The community should feel they can talk to the school board members at any time. School board members should be ambassadors and advocates for the district and community interests and be flexible and responsive to their needs. They must be able to work with others to advance the best interests of the district and the community. 

Becker: I believe that the school board needs to be transparent with all things happening within the school district. Proper communication between everyone is extremely important. I want to encourage students, parents, faculty, community members, and area businesses to get involved, and be a part of building strong futures for the education of our students along with a strong school district. 

4. What qualities and behaviors should board members exhibit?

Homb: To be a successful Board Member, a person should be student focused. Every decision should be made regarding how it will affect our students’ safety and education. A Board Member must be able to understand all sides of a situation, set aside personal reasons, and make decisions based on what is best for all students. They need to be a good communicator, ready to listen and give honest answers. Board members need to be supportive of their administration and staff. While the Board’s main responsibilities are to hire a district administrator, set policy and approve a budget, they also need to provide the proper guidance and leadership to support the decisions of the superintendent and staff.

de Boer: Board members use policy to remain accountable to residents of our district, manage school district resources, and direct the District Superintendent.  As a present board member I am fair, respectful, a good listener, a team player, open minded to change and out-of-the-box thinking to advocate for our students and provide them opportunities to succeed in whatever endeavor they choose.

Sabel: Each individual school board member is a leader in the community. A member should be a positive role model for students, and adults at all times, and situations. When I make a mistake, I ask for forgiveness and try to learn from it. Do to others as you would have them do to you! Respect everyone equally as each individual is created equally. Questions need to be asked. Listening and understanding the why from everyone, students, parents, community members and school employees will lead to an improved harmonious educational environment for each student. Suggestions to solve any situation are always appreciated!

Karl: I believe that a person serving on the school board should be a person of integrity. Being open-minded while serving all our students in the district and building trusting, respectful, relationships through community involvement is essential. Being prepared to make tough decisions and carry out the values of the Auburndale School System in a respectful manner will be necessary for each board member. 

Aue: School board members should be effective communicators and good listeners. They should be visible, available, approachable, and respectful. They must be willing to compromise and be fiscally responsible. They should collaborate with their communities to provide the best highest quality education possible and improve the student achievement in our schools. 

Becker: As a sitting board member, you are an elected official there to represent the communities within our district to ensure the safety and proper education for the students. A board member should also be respectful, and listen to the students, parents, faculty, and community members within our district should a situation arise. The School Board should be in complete control of the overseeing function of our schools while being able to unify diversity. 

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Author: News Desk