Small Business Week ft. Marshfield Insurance


Small Business Week is taking place May 3-9. OnFocus is connecting with business owners and individuals that are making an impact in our community.

Nick Arnoldy of Marshfield Insurance with a surprise guest from Wheeler’s Chevrolet GMC in Marshfield.

“We’re open for everybody for the essential people that need to get to work,” said Nat Bremer, General Sales Manager. “If they break down, if they need a vehicle, they need reliable transportation, our service department is open.”

With plant closures, Bremer estimates the dealership will run out of new cars by June and now’s the time to get a new vehicle.


Arnoldy said there’s still some open spots for its Fore Roger golf event with guest Charlie Berens taking place July 22.

Listen to learn more:

Manitowoc Minute’s Charlie Berens to Attend Marshfield Insurance’s ‘Fore Roger’ Event


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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