Son of former Gov. Scott Walker eyeing run for Congress


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The 25-year-old son of former Republican Gov. Scott Walker is considering running for Congress in a deeply conservative district.

Walker tells WISN-TV in an interview recorded Friday that his son Matt is interested in the suburban Milwaukee seat being vacated by retiring Republican U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner. He’s held the seat since 1978 and numerous Republicans are considering getting in the race.

Walker says his son has “had a number of people reach out to him” about running. Matt Walker did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

Matt Walker has never run for office before and if he gets in he could go up against some of the most powerful and experienced Republicans in the state.

Others considering running include former U.S. Senate nominee Leah Vukmir and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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