Spencer/Columbus Wears Down Wittenberg/Birnamwood


Spencer (OnFocus) –   A game knotted at 12 at halftime saw Spencer/Columbus dominate in the second half to pick up a 28-12 CWC Large victory.

“Proud of our guy tonight.  They played a pretty  complete game overall,” shared S/C Head Coach Jason Gorst

Eden Jacobson had touchdown runs of 73 and 29 yards in the opening quarter, adding a four yard run in the fourth quarter.

“We had a much more balance in our running attack.  We were able to play mistake-free football and keep the changes moving,” Gorst explained.  Hats off to our lineman: Sully Melander, Austin Grubofski, Cole Hanson, David Ellefson, Aiden Griepentrgo and Connor Luedtke.


Max MGiveron added an eleven yard in the final quarter for S/C.

Jacobson led all rushers with 167 yards on 11 carries.

“Chase Higgins had a great night setting the edge as a TE.  Dominic Post, Max McGiveron, and Will Gorst provided  a nice compliment to Eden Jacobson tonight,” explained Gorst.

McGiveron added 115 yards on 15 carries.

The Rockets outgained W-B, 440 to 213.

1 2 3 4 F
Wittenberg-Birnamwood 6 6 0 0 12
Spencer/Columbus 12 0 8 8 28


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at keechertheteacher@gmail.com
