Spencer Elementary School Returns to Five Day Weeks


OnFocus – Students in Kindergarten-5th grade at Spencer Elementary School will be attending school 5 days a week, beginning March 1.

Per a message from Principal Jill Schultz, “4K will remain 2 days as that is our ‘normal’ 4K schedule.”

“As a district we continue to balance opportunities for our kids while trying to manage the role we are required to play through the pandemic,” Superintendent Mike Endreas said in his monthly message. “At the beginning of the school year administratively we decided to adhere to the regulations of the CDC and the health department. Our staff embraced the notion of providing strong academic support while trying to address the health needs of our students, staff and community.

“Our plan has been evaluated on a monthly basis to gauge where we were at and where we should be. At the February meeting a discussion of what steps could be taken to open up more face-to-face occurrences for our kids. The decision was made to bring our K-5 students back to school 5 days a week along with 2 workdays a month to provide the staff an opportunity to address the various learning options for our students.”

Endreas said the middle and high school will be giving parents options as to what they would like their kids to do for a schedule.

“As for grades 6 -12, it was approved to allow parents to choose a 4 day option or to continue in the current cohort model while maintaining the work we have been doing in providing support for those in need on Wednesdays,” Endreas said. “This will allow us to continue to socially distance our students while increasing risk at a controllable rate. The new phase of our model begins on March 1 and will be discussed each month at the board meetings.”

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