Spencer Elementary School Settles into School Year


From the Rocket Newsletter –

Happy Fall from Spencer Elementary School!

Our school year is off and running. We have had a great start to our school year; a huge thank you to our students, parents, and staff for such a smooth beginning to what is sure to be a great year!

If you have driven past our elementary playground you may have noticed a few changes; we have added 3 new pieces of equipment!  Our goal with our new equipment is to add pieces that are inclusive and allow all our students to play together. The ‘Sway Fun’ is the largest of our new pieces. The students can walk or wheel up the ramp and then rock the whole apparatus back-and-forth. We have also added a large outdoor kettle drum and xylophone. Again, these pieces are accessible by all regardless of physical ability.

We hope to continue to add inclusive playwear to our playground so that our Rockets can play, learn, and grow together. Equipment like this can be quite costly but one way to reduce the cost is through the “community build” program. I would like to thank Ann Pankratz, Laurie Anderson, Sandy Reckner, Dale Reckner, Sheryl Guenther, Jason Gorst, Mike Endreas, Bob Marino, Rob Schulz, Courtney Neumann, Whitney Eckes, Jodi Hebert, Jim Krasselt, Shawn Lyon, Bobbie Bunge, Shannon and Claire Malone, Shanna Punke, Danielle, Qwyntyn, Devyn, and Adryan Schmidt, and Dylan Bohlinger for their help building this equipment on two very hot July days!

Also new at the elementary school this year is our math resource. We are using the Bridges resource to build our students’ math abilities. Our elementary staff spent two years researching programs, visiting other schools, and consulting with math experts to make our decision. The Bridges curriculum focuses on developing a deep understanding of mathematical processes and number sense.  It combines direct instruction, structured math games, and exploration. This program has proven results and we are excited for the growth potential for our students. Our elementary staff has spent countless hours building their understanding of the program and getting the materials ready for the students.  We know that during this first year there will not only be great learning and growth for our students but also for our staff. I am very thankful that we have a staff of professionals that are willing to put in the extra time to bring a program like this to the students in our school. If you would like to learn more about Bridges, please visit www.mathlearningcenter.org.

Finally, I would like to welcome Amanda Seefeldt (K-6th grade music) and Kylee Becker (paraprofessional) to our Spencer Elementary family!

Dates to keep in mind:

Oct. 1 – Picture Day (Prek-8th grade)

Oct. 4 – Picture Day (HS and prek)

Oct. 5 – Homecoming (dress in our school colors!)

Oct. 8 – Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 PM

Oct. 11 – Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 PM

Oct. 12 – No School

Oct. 26 – No School, teacher in-service day

Nov. 8 – Family Fun Fest (5:00-6:30 PM)

Dec. 6 – Elementary Holiday Concert (1:30 and 7:00 PM)

Please remember to follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SpencerRocketsWI/) .  You can also find the direct link on the school’s webpage (www.spencer.k12.wi.us), click on Elementary and then click on the Facebook Icon.

Enjoy your fall,

Jill Schulz

Elementary Principal


Spencer Schools Get Ready for School Year


News Desk
Author: News Desk