Spencer FFA distributes Easter Baskets to Kids For Second Straight Year


OnFocus – The Spencer High School FFA chapter and advisor Mark Zimmerman have once again banded together with parents and organizations in the area to distribute Easter baskets to local kids.

The distribution of the baskets has replaced the traditional Easter egg hunt that the organization usually puts on during the pandemic. In total, about 120 baskets were distributed on Saturday morning with local community members assisting in the hand out.

Zimmerman said they were close to doing the hunt again this year but in the end, just didn’t feel comfortable putting on the event yet.

“We just did not feel comfortable doing it that way,” Zimmerman said. “I know some communities are comfortable and I see that they are doing it in different ways. We decided a little earlier that we were going to do it this way than the [traditional] way.”

The baskets contained toys, candy, small stuffed animals and gift cards from Culver’s. The items were donated by:

“We have some donations from other groups and then we kind of make up the difference,” Zimmerman said. “The only thing we did different this year is we had families that contributed also.”

Zimmerman said the importance of distributing the baskets doesn’t lie with the tangible items the kids receive but with the mental factor of doing something “fun and normal”.

“It’s a way for the kids to get excited and get their mind off all those other weird things,” Zimmerman said. “It’s just a way to have something fun and normal.”

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News Desk
Author: News Desk