Spencer Student-Athlete Chase Higgins Reveals all with Pancakes or Waffles? Interview


Spencer(OnFocus) – Spencer student-athlete Chase Higgins has been active for the Rockets on the football and baseball fields, and is finishing up his time as a Rocket as a standout infielder and pitcher for the Rockets.

We caught up with Higgins with our world-famous interview, ‘Pancakes or Waffles?’ to find out what makes the UW-Stout recruit ‘tick.’

OnFocus: What classes are you taking this year?

Higgins: Some of the classes that I am taking this year are calculus, English 4, Band, and Gym.

OnFocus: What is your favorite class?

Higgins: Calculus is my favorite because it is challenging.

OnFocus: What are your hobbies?

Higgins: Video games, baseballs that’s pretty much my life. I play baseball all year round.

OnFocus: Who is/was your favorite teacher?

Higgins: Mr. Wagner is my favorite teacher; he was my history teacher.

OnFocus: What is the most unusual food you have eaten?

Higgins: I don’t eat anything weird.. maybe I have eaten some bugs in the past or something.

OnFocus: What is your favorite music to listen to?

Higgins: I like listening to hard rock. A couple of my favorites are Metalica and Avenge Sevenfold.

OnFocus: What are your plans after high school?

Higgins: I plan on attending UW-Stout and plan to go into Mechanical Engineering. I will also be playing baseball for UW-Stout

OnFocus: If they made a movie about you, and your life,  what would it be called?

Higgins: My dad would say ‘Drama Queen’… I would say ‘The Slim Reaper.’

OnFocus: What sports do you play?

Higgins: I have played football and baseball.

OnFocus: Which teammate would you not want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

Higgins: Kyler Bainer, I don’t think his survival skills would be very good….and I don’t want to eat his gluten free food.

OnFocus: What is your most memorable moment as an athlete?

Higgins: I was voted 1st team all-conference for baseball as a sophomore, and beating Amherst in football. Those are both pretty special.

OnFocus: Who is your favorite athlete?

Higgins: Miguel Cabrera is pretty cool. He is probably my favorite.

OnFocus: What do you enjoy most about playing home games?

Higgins: My friends being able to come out and support my team.

OnFocus: What’s the best thing about being a student-athlete at Spencer High School?

Higgins: I’m able to compete academically and athletically.

OnFocus: What words of wisdom can you give to other student-athletes?

Higgins: Work hard, and have confidence in yourself.

OnFocus: Lastly, pancakes or waffles?

Higgins: Waffles. I’m more of a waffle guy. Both are good but you can’t beat Belgium Waffles.

David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]