Spencer Students Show Off Art Skills


Rocket News –

The 8th grade students in Ms. Polka’s FACE class completed their sewing unit by making emoji pillows. Students learned about sewing safety, identifying tools and equipment, hand sewing, and constructing a pillow. Each student selected their own emoji and created a pattern to cut out their fabric. Students then sewed their pillows by hand. They began by assembling facial features, sewing the fabric with right sides together, stuffing the pillow, and finishing it with some more hand sewing. The finished product was a 12 inch pillow. Students learned consistency, time, and patience were important during this process. They all enjoyed this experience as they wanted to make a second one! –
-Submitted by Ms. Polka

Some of the things students have been creating in the art room are: Still life acrylic paintings in High School Painting class, Ceramics students created creatures like this Mario character villian using the double pinch pot method, Fifth grade learned about Greek vases to collaborate with their classroom study of Greek history and culture, and the final example is of still life chalk drawings of fruit done third grade students. There continue to be many exciting works developed by Spencer students, and I can’t wait to send them home with the students! A Spencer student, for the second year, took home First Place in the Computer Graphics category at the Cloverbelt Conference Art Competition! All student work is photographed and posted to Artsonia! Artsonia is an gallery style website where your child’s artwork can be viewed by you and anyone else you choose to share it with. I have had really nice comments about this for family who live far away (or even near by). I am proud to say that I have posted over 3000 photos of artwork this school year alone, and there’s still many pieces to share. Thanks for letting me share some of the things we are doing in the art room.

Mrs. Schweiger’s Art Room


News Desk
Author: News Desk
