Sports Cancellations 1/22/19


Cancellations for January 22, 2019


Wisconsin Rapids @ Marshfield Boys and Girls Doubleheader
Make-up date January 28

Stratford @ Nekoosa Girls Basketball
Make-up date: TBA

Gilman @ Greenwood Boys and Girls Doubleheader
Make-up date: February 9th 

Neillsville @ Loyal Girls Basketball
Make-up date: February 4th

Eau Claire Memorial @ SPASH Boys Basketball
Make-Up date: February 12th

Stevens Point @ Chippewa Falls Girls Basketball
Make-Up date: TBA

Wild Rose @ Port Edwards Girls Basketball
Make-Up date: January 28

Port Edwards @ Wild Rose Boys Basketball
Make-up date: February 11


Wisconsin Rapids @ Stevens Point Boys Hockey
Make-up date January 29

Rhinelander @ Cent. WI Union Girls Hockey
Make-up date: February 5th

Mosinee @ Pacelli Co-op Boys Hockey
Make-up date: TBA

If you are aware of any other cancellations not on our list please email them to [email protected]



News Desk
Author: News Desk