St. Vincent de Paul Gets 17,000 Pounds of Carrots

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St. Vincent de Paul took in a whopping 17,000 pounds of carrots this week and is helping distribute them to area organizations, schools, day cares, and pantries to make sure none of it goes to waste.

“One of our volunteers goes, ‘Seventeen hundred, that’s a lot of carrots!’” said Outreach Coordinator Deb Steltenpohl. “And I said no, not seventeen hundred carrots, seventeen thousand!

The baby carrots were rejected at a grocer – apparently they were too fat – and Adam Jacobson at The Lumberyard Bar and Grill bought them and got in touch with St. Vincent. Otherwise, the product would likely have ended up in a landfill, she said.

Outreach is happy to take those types of calls and put the otherwise-fine product to good use. The charity received 8,000 pounds of carrots several months ago and has had other, similar deliveries in the past, such as the time they took in 4,500 pounds of zucchini and a pallet of yogurt.

“It’s healthy, and people can use it,” noted Steltenpohl.

News Desk
Author: News Desk