St. Vincent de Paul Outreach to Distribute 1,500 Dozen Eggs on May 20

St. Vincent de Paul/FB

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) St. Vincent de Paul Outeach will again be distributing 1,500 dozen eggs from a local chicken farmer on Wednesday, May 20.

The first distribution event for the same number of eggs was held last Friday, raising $1,781 for the farmer.

Outreach had connected with a local chicken farmer whose clientele have not been able to purchase the same quantity of eggs as before to the COVID-19 pandemic. The farmer had resorting to feeding eggs to his cattle and dumping the rest in his field.

The organization is distributing the eggs from 8-4 p.m. at its downtown location and asks those who stop by to bring their own egg cartons. Any donations will go to the farmer.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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