Staff Brave Flooded Roads to Care for Animals at Humane Society of Portage County


Shelter employees and volunteers at the Humane Society of Portage County had an adventurous Friday morning getting access to their building.

Flooding at the intersection of WIS 54 and BUS 51 and other areas made it tricky to navigate a dry route to get to the shelter. The loyal staff parked in separate parking lots or kept their cars at home and walked to work as early as 7 a.m.

“We have such a loyal staff,” said Sherri Galle-Teske, Executive Director. “We’re here for our animals.”

Although she lives just a mile away, it took 50 minutes for Galle-Teske to arrive due to flooding, such as at the roundabout at BUS 51 and Maple Drive. “I looked at a sea of water. I couldn’t believe it,” she said.

She attempted approaching via Hoover Ave. but could not turn west, before trying HWY 54 which rerouted by St. Bronislava Church, where she could see a car submerged up to its wheels. At the intersection by McDonald’s, she met police who assisted her with an alternate route.

“Plover Police has done a fantastic job of putting out cones and redirecting people,” Galle-Teske said. She was redirected to Willow Drive, Washington Ave. and then HWY B, finally arriving safely at the humane society.

She assured that all animals are dry and being cared for, from the largest dog to the little mouse in its cage. “We’re very fortunate our building has been safe and secure. We don’t have any water issues out here, which is great,” she said.

Due to concern for public safety, the shelter has decided to close its office today at 3200 Iber Lane.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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