State Rep. Bob Kulp Announces Reelection

Bob Kulp

State Rep. Bob Kulp Announces Reelection for State Assembly
Rep. Kulp looks forward to continuing common sense reforms

OnFocus: Stratford, WI: Small business owner and State Representative Bob Kulp announced his reelection campaign to the State Assembly today.

“After consulting with my friends and neighbors, I received an overwhelming response in favor of continuing my service to the people of the 69thAssembly District” said Kulp.

Representative Kulp is the current chair of the Assembly Labor Committee and Chair of the Assembly Ways and Means Sub Committee on Corporate and Income Taxes. For 33 years, he has owned and operated a roof contracting business that operates throughout Wisconsin. As a legislator, Kulp has been an advocate for rural health care, broadband expansion, education, and workforce development. His efforts in the 2017-2019 budget led to the partial repeal of the personal property tax.


“There is a lot more to get accomplished, such as repealing the rest of the Personal Property Tax. I will be chairing a study committee on dyslexia to study policy ideas to ensure that every child has an opportunity to succeed, even those who have dyslexia. There are plenty of solid policy goals left to be accomplished.”

“We need to keep the jobs we have, create a climate where even more people can benefit with family-supporting careers, and foster anenvironment in Central Wisconsin where the next generation feels as comfortable raising a family as I have,” continued Kulp. “I’m running because I want to ensure the average person keeps more of their money, and has even better opportunities than my generation has had.”

The 69th  Assembly District encompasses portions of Wood, Marathon and Clark counties.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
