Stewardship Award Recognizes Historic Home Preservation

Common Council, May 28, 2019. TriMedia photo.

Historic Preservation Month Celebrated in May

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) A Stewardship Award was presented to Daniel Wolfgram and Marilyn Dawson during Tuesday’s Common Council meeting for their efforts in the historic preservation of their home.

Since 2007, the award has been presented each year to homeowners who have demonstrated excellence in historic preservation during the renovation process and upkeep of their property. The program educates the public on the community’s historic resources and promotes historic preservation in Marshfield.

The award acknowledges Wolfgram and Dawson’s work in restoring their garage and continued work on their home located at 1000 W. 5th Street, which is highlighted in a brochure for homes of historical interest. The Tudor Revival home was once owned by Dr. Karl H. Doege, son of one of the founders of Marshfield Clinic.

“Daniel and Marilyn painstakingly designed and erected the garage to match the style of their historic home and used the brick from the original historic garage, which was in great disrepair,” said Vickie Schnitzler, Historic Preservation Committee chairperson. “They are also restoring their home and have put much thought in being true to its history.”

“This is quite an honor,” said Wolfgram. “I just need to make a slight correction. We were introduced as the owners of the home. On a daily basis, I’m not sure which side of the coin I’m on in that game because if you’re going to be committed to a historic home, it’s sometimes a real quandary whether the home owns you, or if you own the home.”

The award comes at the end of May, which is is officially Historic Preservation Month in the city.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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