Stratford Tigers Remain Undefeated


The Wildcats chased the Tigers from the beginning but caught a loss instead 32-60.

The 1st place Stratford Tigers remain undefeated in the Marawood South Conference with 15-0 in conference and 20-0 in the season.

Edgar is in 3rd with 11-4 in conference and 17-4 in the season.

Ben Barten had 18 points followed by Vaughn Bright with 9 and Max Vandehoat added 8.

For Edgar Kyle Brewster had 12 followed by Braden Baumgartner with 8 and Konnor Wolf added 6.

Stratford will be hosting last place Assumption on Thursday, Feb 27th.

Edgar will also be hosting on Thursday, taking on the 4th place Marathon Red Raiders.


Steven Okonek
Author: Steven Okonek