Street Division Integral to Dairyfest Safety

Assistant Street Superintendent Kris Hawley will oversee Dairyfest this year.

City Assists with Barricades, Traffic Flow

As one of the highlights of Marshfield’s Dairyfest weekend, the Dairyfest Parade attracts thousands of onlookers and participants each year. Heavily involved in making sure the parade goes smoothly is Marshfield Street Division, which oversees signage, detours, and street closings prior to, during, and after the parade.

“Our biggest thing that we’re involved with is the detour,” said Street Superintendent Mike Winch. “It’s one of the few times they close off Central Avenue totally.”

Beginning at the Street Division parking lot, the parade makes its way up Second Street, then turns right on Central Avenue, and proceeds until 14th Street, ending at the Fairgrounds.

“It made it a lot easier once Veterans Parkway went through,” said Winch. “Prior to that, the parade used to start way down at the mall.”

Winch and his crew spend the week leading up to the parade stationing barricades and preparing signage.

“We lay out as much as we can in advance to eliminate any overtime,” said Winch. “On the day of the parade, staff comes in at 4:00am and they start closing off Central Avenue. They also put ‘no parking’ signs out at this time.”

On the Saturday of the parade, the Division works closely with Marshfield Police Department and other law enforcement to strategically route traffic and keep those in the parade and watching the festivities safe.

On Parade day (this year, June 3), Central Avenue will be closed from Veterans Parkway to 14th Street, with 4th Street and 14th Street open to cross traffic until the parade begins.

With the fire trucks being the last vehicles in the parade, Street Division crews are typically right behind, removing signage to allow traffic to flow once more.

“As the Fire trucks are going, we are right behind to ease traffic control,” said Winch.

With the goal of creating a safe atmosphere for all involved, along with the parade, the Street Division also provides assistance with the Cheese Chase, Picnic in the Park, Mayor’s Dairyfest Breakfast, and other events throughout the weekend. This involves everything from street sweeping the night before, installing handicap signage, and implementing directional signage.

“With years of experience, we still take it really seriously because there is safety involved for a lot of people,” said Winch.

The biggest violation Winch sees is people driving through or around barricades. This can result in legal implications and harm to people, so all drivers are encouraged to be vigilant of these barricades.

Click here for more information on Dairyfest 2017.

News Desk
Author: News Desk