Sunrise Rotary Delivers Dozens of Roses


Today, cars filled with dozens of roses made their way into the city to provide a burst of color and cheer.

The roses are part of Marshfield Sunrise Rotary Club’s biggest fundraiser of the year with revenue funding a variety of community projects. This year, 59 club members sold just under 1,200 dozen roses, which arrived fresh at 7 a.m. this morning from Krueger Wholesale Florist.

After three weeks of selling, the bouquets are delivered personally by Rotarians the week before Thanksgiving.

“It’s always comical when you walk into a place of business and you get a double take,” said Marsha Bushman, board member and past president of Marshfield Sunrise Rotary. Not only does the unexpected delivery make someone’s day, but it’s also an opportunity to talk about the club in person. “It’s a win-win for both.”

Proceeds from the fundraiser fund local causes, including high school scholarships, international youth exchanges and well water projects, Rotary Winter Wonderland, Veterans Parkway green spaces, Soup or Socks, literacy projects, and much more.

“Rotary really is the service club, which means we are really hands on,” said Bushman. “We are always looking for ways to improve the places we live.”

Each year they hear from people who enjoy supporting the event each year and look forward to getting their roses, personalized with a card.

“This fundraiser has gone on for long time, and you never know if a fundraiser going to burn out, but this hasn’t,” said Bushman. “We’re grateful for everything the community does to support Rotary.”

Rotary’s namesake event, Rotary Winter Wonderland, will commence its 13th season on Friday, November 23 at 5 p.m. Unexpired food and cash donations are accepted and benefit area food pantries.

News Desk
Author: News Desk