Support Needed to Strengthen Animal Abuse Laws in Wisconsin

Muenster, one of the puppies thrown into a dumpster in February, is enjoying life with a new owner after being fostered by Marshfield Area Pet Shelter.

Recent Puppy Case Highlights Need for Change

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Members of the Marshfield community expressed disappointment and outrage last week after a man who allegedly left newborn puppies in a garbage can to die was allowed to keep animals currently in his possession.

Representatives from Marshfield Area Pet Shelter, where staff and volunteers cared for the puppies before they were able to go to their new adoptive homes, were in attendance on May 23 at Wood County Courthouse as a motion to have current animals removed from Robert Wild’s care was denied. Marshfield Police Department also provided representation.

“MAPS was willing to take possession of the animals that day if the Judge ordered them to be removed from the home, but that didn’t happen,” said Karen Rau, MAPS Executive Director.

“We did everything we could, but it’s out of our hands at this point,” said Kaitlin Loberg, shelter manager. “If people are upset by this, they need to contact their representatives.”

“We can’t do anything more than what the law allows,” added Ordinance Officer Bob Larsen, who handled the case. “Our community said ‘do something’ and we did what we could.”

Representative John Spiros (WI Assembly District 86) is currently working on a bill related to animal crimes, which aims to strengthen laws on animal abuse, to penalize the act when an individual had the intent to kill, even though the animal might survive (as was the case with the “dumpster puppies”).

Spiros is currently in need of a senator to co-sponsor the bill. Those interested in seeing laws passed can contact their senator today to encourage them to support the bill.

Wild will maintain possession of animals at this time. Wild’s next court appearance is scheduled for June 21.

Kathleen ‘Kathy’ Bernier, 68th State Senate District
Mailing address: 10923 – 40th Avenue, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Website: None (On Facebook and Twitter)
Phone number: (608) 266-2517 and (715) 720-0326
Email address: [email protected]

Jerry Petrowski, 29th State Senate District
Mailing address: Room 123 South, State Capitol, PO Box 7882, Madison, WI 53707
Phone number: (608) 266-2502
Email: [email protected]

Hearing Held for Man Who Allegedly Threw Away Puppies in Dumpster

Man Who Allegedly Threw Away Puppies in Dumpster Pleads Not Guilty

Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.