Taylor County Announces Second Case of COVID-19


Taylor County Confirms Community Transmission of COVID-19

Taylor County Public Health announced today that Taylor County has received a second confirmed case of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus. This case had no known exposures to other cases and is believed to be a result of community transmission.

The individual is isolating at home based on guidelines from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

“We are in daily contact with this individual to monitor their symptoms and ensure they are receiving support to remain in isolation at home,” said Patty Krug, Health Officer.

Taylor County Public Health is working with the individual to complete contact tracing, an interview process to identify close contacts of the individual who could have been exposed to COVID-19. Public Health staff will then follow-up with each one of those close contacts to provide appropriate quarantine and monitoring guidance. Further information about the individual will not be released in order to protect their privacy.
Taylor County Public Health will no longer send individual press releases for any new confirmed cases of COVID-19 that are reported.

To prevent contracting and spreading COVID-19, make sure you practice good personal health habits and avoid possible exposure to the virus.

• Avoid close contact with others
• Practice physical distancing
• Practice good hand hygiene
• Stay home if you are sick

“As we have for the past several months, we will continue to work with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Centers for Disease Control and our local partners to make sure our community remains safe and healthy,” concludes Health Officer Krug.
For more information on COVID-19 call 211 or visit:

• WI DHS COVID-19: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/index.htm
• CDC COVID-19:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
• Taylor County Public Health website
• Follow “Taylor County Health Dept” on Facebook

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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