Tentative Opening Time Frame for Vandehey Waters Announced

Vandehey Waters, Marshfield/ Branden Bodendorfer photo

Pool Hoping to Open in July, Pending Plaster Delivery

Marshfield (OnFocus) – At Tuesday’s Common Council meeting, Parks & Recreation Director Justin Casperson provided an update on Vandehey Waters. Pending the final delivery of plaster, the aquatic center is tentatively scheduled to open July 16 or 23. However, this is not set in stone and a more formal date will be announced soon.

“Until we get plaster on-site, we really can’t announce an opening date,” said Casperson, explaining that there is a nationwide shortage of plaster. “We would like to make a formal announcement on when opening would be, but we’re waiting on plaster… That is the only box that is not checked at this point.”

“Right now, we’re targeting the later part of July, either July 16 or 23. Those are the two Friday’s,” he added. “I don’t want to make anything too formal until we have that on site, but everything is going very well.”

The project remains within budget and there are no anticipations of going over budget. Tiling, landscaping, and mulching is currently taking place. Lights are installed, along with perimeter fencing. Concession equipment and sound system are being installed this week and other projects are scheduled for the first week in July.

The center is located on the location of the former Hefko Pool, next to Wildwood Park in Marshfield. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.

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