Thankful Outdoors: Camping on Memorial Day Weekend


OnFocus – The big weekend to kick summer off is almost here! Did you miss out on the camping trend last year? Don’t let another summer go by without getting into the outdoors!

The majority of camping is accomplished in fancy campers with all the commodities of home. This guy still does it the old fashion way and throws a tent up. My body can’t sleep on the ground anymore, so cots or air mattress is my luxury item.

An item that I’m looking to add even more luxury to the setup is a portable shower unit. The days of jumping into a cold lake to take a campers bath are meant for a much younger guy than me.

If you have never tent camped before, here is a list of minimum necessities

Barebones Necessities

Most campsites include a picnic table, room to park a vehicle, and a spot to pitch your tent. Many also have shared bathrooms, running water, and electricity.

  1. Tarp for under the tent and an extra tarp for rain days or to build shade from the sun!
  2. Sleeping Bag
  3. Air Mattress/Cot
  4. Pillow
  5. Lantern
  6. Camp table – if you’re not at a site with a picnic table
  7. Cooler
  8. Camp chairs
  9. Camp stove -if you’re not at a site with a fire ring OR you prefer versatility
  10. Paracord – It’s the duct tape of camping!

The most important tip that I could offer regarding camping is to get familiar with your gear at home. Do yourself a favor; set up the tent in your yard. It’s not only an excellent time to get acquainted with the setup process but a great time to waterproof your tent.

This process will allow you to see how the sleeping arrangements will work with your air mattress/cot. You are figuring out your floor plan! Each tent has a “person” rating; I find that the person rating is a bit overrated by one to two people. Example: For two people, purchase a three-person tent.

Take this information, and find your adventure; if you should see the Ram with Thankful Outdoors logo on it, stop by the campfire and say hi!

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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