MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – A famous line from the Bananas at Large song of the Thirty Point Buck – “Gosh, I like the Packers; I’d do anything for the Packers!” As I walked into Outer Limits on Sunday afternoon, I was shown once again that the Green and Gold fanbase is still strong.
The celebration of a win against the Steelers carried onto the evening; I watched several almost full patrons dance to Hokey Pokey, Macarena, and the Electric Slide. It almost felt like a wedding reception. People were laughing and having a great time, though. Angie said, keep that music playing; they are having fun.
I thought about that comment she made, and it made me think about how music impacts people’s feelings. The rhythm, lyrics, or song can be so impactful to a person. One song that will move me and make me feel full of pride, The Star-Spangled Banner
It will always take me back to high school memories of standing on the field waiting for the opening kick off under Friday night lights or standing on the court sidelines waiting for the anticipation of the tip-off. I was always thinking about the veterans and current service members and hoping for a win. Did we prepare enough for the week to be victorious?
Whenever I think about music, though, there is always one point in life where I love going back to that little mark on my timeline. It’s when my brother Craig and I would duck hunt together. We had this morning ritual to start the hunt off by drinking way too much coffee; our playlist started with Ted Nugent’s song called Fred Bear. That was followed by several songs from the Limp Bizkit album Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water.
Between the adrenaline of head-banging, caffeine, and massive amounts of nicotine from chain-smoking, we probably were so darn wide-eyed that ducks could easily see the whites of our eyes and stayed clear away from our ambush.
I still chuckle when I hear Luke Bryan “Huntin’, Fishin’, And Lovin’ Every Day.” It was my Dad who called me and said, “Hey, did you hear that new country song that they wrote about you?” I had no idea what he was talking about; it was several weeks later when we were in the truck together, and he says, here is that song I was telling you. Many parts of that song hit true in my life; I like coffee, whiskey, hunting, fishing, and heck, why not find a reason to love every day!
There are sounds that I hear in the outdoors, though, that is not music; it sure does create feelings. Those crisp fall mornings when there is a frost on the leaves, and you hear the crunch of a heavy-footed buck chasing in November sure gives me the shakes!
How about the whistling wings of mallards or the sound of wood ducks shooting down the river? I hold my breath in anticipation that they will make their way into my decoy set.
The gobble from turkey as it sits on its early morning roost, with each gobble, the sunrises just a little more on the horizon, taking the chill away from a cool spring morning!
An all-time favorite sound, and probably just because I don’t get to hear it as often as others, the bugle from a bull elk as he pulls his herd together; this sound can take your breath away. It could be the out-of-shape mountain man I am, though, part of the breathtaking away.
Many sounds from the outdoors bring a smile to my face or make my adrenaline rush, or gives me a feeling of peace and happiness.
Do you have a playlist that gets you excited, puts you in a feel-good place? If you do drop a comment and share, I might have to give it a listen and see if it gets added to my playlist! What is your favorite sound of the outdoors? Share your comments!
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