The Deadliest States To Drive In During Labor Day Weekend


The Deadliest States To Drive In During Labor Day Weekend

  • Vermont is the most dangerous state to drive in during Labor Day weekend, with fatal crash rates 58% higher than its average rate.
  • Hawaii is safest, with fatal crashes down by 16% compared to the average during Labor Day weekend.
  • Midnight to 1 AM on Labor Day is the most dangerous hour to drive during Labor Day weekend, while Tuesday is the most dangerous day overall.

 is the most dangerous state to drive in on Labor Day weekend.

Car accident experts at Auto Accident Team analyzed fatal crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration from 2013 to 2022 to determine which states were the most dangerous to drive in during Labor Day weekend. This was done by identifying the states that had the most elevated rates of fatal crashes on Labor Day weekend compared to each state’s average around Labor Day.

The study also identified which states had the highest rates of crashes involving drunk drivers on Labor Day weekend by comparing it to each state’s average rate of drunk driving crashes.

The ten most dangerous states, and the least dangerous, to drive on Labor Day weekend
Rank State Difference in rate of fatal crashes on Labor Day weekend (2013-22) Difference to U.S. overall for Labor Day weekend (2013-22) Labor Day weekend crashes (2013-22) Average number of fatal crashes occurring around Labor Day (2013-22)
1. Vermont +58% +868% 13 8
2. Kansas +42% +595% 54 38
3. Delaware +34% +460% 19 14
4. New Mexico +32% +426% 50 38
5. Oklahoma +29% +380% 83 64
6. Iowa +28% +365% 55 43
7. Alaska +26% +339% 8 6
8. West Virginia +25% +325% 35 28
9. Wyoming +25% +310% 18 14
10. Idaho +23% +276% 32 26
51. Hawaii -16% -371% 8 10
U.S. Overall +6% 4,169 3,936


Vermont is the most dangerous state to drive in during Labor Day weekend, with crashes 58% above Vermont’s average for the corresponding times four weeks before and four weeks after Labor Day. This is over nine and a half times the 6% increase in crashes observed nationally over Labor Day weekend.

Saturdays are the most dangerous day to drive in Vermont overall during Labor Day weekend, with crash rates increasing by 96% above average. This is different to the most dangerous day nationally on Labor Day weekend, which is Tuesday, while the most dangerous hour to drive in America overall is between midnight and 1 AM on Labor Day.

Kansas is the second most dangerous, with fatal crash rates increasing by 42% above average on Labor Day weekend. Fridays are the most dangerous day of the weekend for Kansans, with crashes 125% above average on Friday.

Delaware is third, with a 34% increase in the fatal crash rate on Labor Day weekend. Delaware had the largest increase in America for drunk driving fatal crashes on Labor Day weekend at 85%, over five times the national increase of 16%.

New Mexico is fourth most dangerous, with crash rates increasing 32% on Labor Day weekend, and the second highest increase in drunk driving nationally, at 83%.

Oklahoma is fifth, with fatal crashes increasing by 29% over the weekend, and Iowa is sixth, with an increase of 28%.

Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Idaho complete the top 10, with increases o26%, 25%, 25%, and 23%, respectively.

Hawaii is the safest state to drive on Labor Day weekend, with a 16% decrease in fatal crashes. It is one of 11 states that recorded a decrease over the weekend and has the fourth lowest increase in drunk driving rates on Labor Day weekend, with fatal crashes involving drunk drivers decreasing by 16%.


Leo Danconia, CEO of Auto Accident Team, commented on the findings:

“Labor Day is a welcome break for many as we enter fall. However, holiday periods often bring increased risks on the roads as people are often distracted by vacation plans. In addition, these plans can often put people under pressure to keep to a schedule they are not used to, and potentially have this happen in areas they aren’t familiar with. This can often result in crashes, and sadly these are often fatal. This is further compounded if alcohol is involved, which dramatically harms a driver’s ability to drive safely.

“Labor Day weekend is no stranger to these factors, so we wanted to look at which states are the most dangerous to drive in and which time is the most dangerous to drive at on Labor Day weekend. We found Vermont had the largest increase in the rate of fatal crashes over the weekend, while Hawaii had the lowest.

“We also looked at which states had the largest increase in drunk driving crashes over Labor Day weekend, finding Delaware had the most elevated rate of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers, and Rhode Island the least.”





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2013-22 Fatality Analysis Reporting System, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration



  1. Data on fatal crashes on and around Labor Day weekend was obtained from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) for 2013 to 2022.
  2. Fatal crashes were filtered and combined by time of day and day of week for the times and days covering Labor Day weekend. These times are 18:00 (6PM) Friday to 06:00 Tuesday (6AM).
  3. To determine the most dangerous times and locations on Labor Day weekend, the number of fatal crashes happening in each hour on Labor Day weekend was compared to a baseline average of fatal crashes happening on that day at that time in the two months surrounding Labor Day. For example, the number of fatal crashes occurring between 22:00 and 22:59 on the Saturday of Labor Day weekend was compared to the average number of crashes occurring at that time on the four Saturdays before Labor Day weekend, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, and the four Saturdays after Labor Day weekend.
  4. Days, times, and locations were ranked by percentage difference to the average for the corresponding time and location. States and territories were compared to the national average to provide further context.
  5. This methodology was repeated for fatal crashes with at least one driver reported as drinking by the NHTSA to determine the locations and days with elevated drunk driving rates on Labor Day weekend. However, the analysis was kept to just days and locations as there was insufficient data to properly analyze drink-driving rates by hour.

Data is correct as of August 22, 2024.


Data in tables are rounded to nearest whole number.


Additional Tables:

The most dangerous locations to drive on Labor Day weekend by percentage above each location’s average fatal crash rate
Rank Location Difference to average in rate of fatal crashes on Labor Day weekend (2013-22) Difference to U.S. overall for Labor Day weekend (2013-22) Labor Day weekend crashes (2013-22) Average number of fatal crashes occurring around Labor Day (2013-22)
1. Vermont +58% +868% 13 8
2. Kansas +42% +595% 54 38
3. Delaware +34% +460% 19 14
4. New Mexico +32% +426% 50 38
5. Oklahoma +29% +380% 83 64
6. Iowa +28% +365% 55 43
7. Alaska +26% +339% 8 6
8. West Virginia +25% +325% 35 28
9. Wyoming +25% +310% 18 14
10. Idaho +23% +276% 32 26
11. Maryland +22% +261% 78 64
12. New Hampshire +21% +248% 18 15
12. Rhode Island +21% +248% 9 7
14. Illinois +15% +152% 148 129
15. Oregon +15% +142% 56 49
16. Virginia +14% +139% 102 89
17. Pennsylvania +14% +127% 141 124
18. South Carolina +13% +115% 112 99
19. District of Columbia +13% +108% 4 4
20. Connecticut +11% +84% 38 34
21. Nevada +9% +58% 36 33
22. Florida +9% +57% 308 282
23. Georgia +9% +46% 159 146
24. North Carolina +8% +40% 151 139
25. Wisconsin +8% +26% 79 73
26. Massachusetts +7% +11% 41 38
27. Montana +6% -6% 29 27
28. Maine +4% -36% 21 20
29. California +4% -39% 411 397
30. Missouri +3% -48% 106 103
31. Texas +3% -48% 381 370
32. New York +3% -53% 137 133
33. Louisiana +2% -62% 79 77
34. Alabama +2% -67% 92 90
34. Mississippi +2% -67% 69 68
36. New Jersey +1% -80% 66 65
37. North Dakota +1% -87% 14 14
38. Minnesota 0% -96% 46 46
39. Colorado 0% -98% 75 75
40. Tennessee 0% -102% 122 122
41. Washington -1% -109% 64 64
42. Arizona -1% -119% 94 95
43. South Dakota -1% -124% 15 15
44. Arkansas -3% -151% 56 58
45. Kentucky -4% -162% 75 78
46. Michigan -6% -202% 113 120
47. Utah -7% -215% 27 29
48. Indiana -8% -229% 86 93
49. Nebraska -12% -295% 21 24
50. Ohio -16% -361% 115 136
51. Hawaii -16% -371% 8 10
U.S. Overall +6% 4,169 3,936


The locations with the highest rates of drunk driving on Labor Day weekend by percentage above each location’s average rate of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers
Rank Location Difference to average in rate of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers on Labor Day weekend (2013-22) Difference to U.S.  Overall


All Labor Day weekend drunk driving crashes


Average number of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers occurring around Labor Day (2013-22)
41. Alabama -3% -118% 30 31
34. Alaska +8% -51% 3 3
36. Arizona +4% -77% 24 23
20. Arkansas +22% 34% 21 17
24. California +18% 9% 153 130
33. Colorado +8% -50% 34 31
6. Connecticut +43% 159% 19 13
1. Delaware +85% 416% 8 4
49. District of Columbia -18% -211% 1 1
31. Florida +9% -43% 85 78
13. Georgia +33% 99% 51 38
48. Hawaii -16% -195% 3 4
35. Idaho +7% -56% 10 9
32. Illinois +9% -46% 51 47
10. Indiana +38% 129% 33 24
12. Iowa +35% 111% 19 14
3. Kansas +68% 316% 17 10
26. Kentucky +13% -24% 29 26
44. Louisiana -9% -153% 27 30
42. Maine -6% -135% 9 10
17. Maryland +24% 45% 29 23
43. Massachusetts -6% -137% 12 13
16. Michigan +24% 49% 51 41
39. Minnesota +2% -85% 19 19
21. Mississippi +20% 22% 22 18
37. Missouri +4% -78% 38 37
4. Montana +54% 228% 21 14
40. Nebraska =0% -100% 11 11
5. Nevada +44% 169% 16 11
11. New Hampshire +36% 119% 8 6
47. New Jersey -12% -174% 17 19
2. New Mexico +83% 409% 22 12
28. New York +11% -30% 41 37
22. North Carolina +18% 13% 57 48
15. North Dakota +27% 63% 10 8
46. Ohio -11% -164% 49 55
19. Oklahoma +22% 34% 24 20
23. Oregon +18% 11% 21 18
14. Pennsylvania +27% 64% 54 43
51. Rhode Island -29% -277% 3 4
8. South Carolina +40% 145% 54 39
50. South Dakota -22% -233% 4 5
29. Tennessee +10% -36% 40 36
18. Texas +22% 36% 137 112
30. Utah +9% -42% 9 8
26. Vermont +13% -24% 4 4
38. Virginia +4% -78% 35 34
45. Washington -10% -159% 23 25
9. West Virginia +39% 139% 15 11
7. Wisconsin +42% 157% 45 32
25. Wyoming +17% 2% 7 6
U.S. Overall +16% 1,525 1,310



The most dangerous times and days of Labor Day weekend for fatal crashes in each state and D.C. by percentage above the average for each time period
Location Hour 1 Hour 2 Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Alabama 2 Mon (+500%) 4 Tue (+350%) 11 Sun (+286%) 8 Sat (+260%) 9 Sun (+200%) Mon (+32%) Fri (+18%) Sun (+14%)
Alaska 3 Sun (+800%) 5 Mon (+800%) 19 Mon (+800%) 3 Sat (+350%) 0 Sun (+350%) Mon (+200%) Sun (+59%) Sat (-57%)
Arizona 0 Mon (+800%) 4 Tue (+500%) 2 Tue (+350%) 15 Sun (+200%) 7 Sat (+157%) Tue (+117%) Sat (+11%) Sun (-2%)
Arkansas 22 Sun (+800%) 16 Mon (+414%) 6 Sat (+350%) 9 Sat (+350%) 10 Mon (+350%) Mon (+29%) Fri (+10%) Sun (-4%)
California 16 Mon (+161%) 12 Mon (+118%) 11 Mon (+114%) 0 Sat (+88%) 4 Tue (+80%) Tue (+33%) Mon (+26%) Fri (-1%)
Colorado 1 Mon (+500%) 10 Sun (+350%) 17 Sun (+350%) 0 Mon (+350%) 12 Mon (+350%) Tue (+35%) Sun (+29%) Mon (+7%)
Connecticut 7 Sun (+800%) 13 Mon (+800%) 15 Mon (+800%) 12 Sat (+350%) 18 Sat (+350%) Tue (+64%) Fri (+54%) Mon (+41%)
Delaware 17 Sun (+800%) 1 Mon (+800%) 5 Mon (+800%) 14 Mon (+800%) 17 Mon (+800%) Mon (+114%) Tue (+50%) Sun (+35%)
District of Columbia 17 Sat (+800%) 2 Tue (+800%) 18 Fri (+350%) 20 Sun (+350%) 23 Fri (-100%) Tue (+350%) Fri (+200%) Sat (=0%)
Florida 4 Tue (+200%) 7 Sun (+150%) 12 Mon (+145%) 13 Mon (+137%) 2 Mon (+108%) Tue (+45%) Fri (+33%) Mon (+15%)
Georgia 1 Mon (+350%) 2 Mon (+275%) 23 Mon (+177%) 10 Sat (+157%) 4 Sun (+150%) Sun (+19%) Mon (+16%) Sat (+1%)
Hawaii 13 Sat (+800%) 21 Sat (+800%) 3 Sun (+800%) 16 Sun (+800%) 15 Mon (+350%) Sat (+50%) Sun (-36%) Mon (-40%)
Idaho 18 Mon (+440%) 6 Sat (+350%) 6 Sat (+350%) 6 Sat (+350%) 23 Fri (+260%) Sat (+85%) Mon (+21%) Tue (-10%)
Illinois 23 Mon (+300%) 13 Mon (+246%) 6 Sun (+200%) 20 Sun (+200%) 4 Mon (+200%) Sun (+30%) Mon (+29%) Fri (+17%)
Indiana 0 Tue (+350%) 1 Tue (+350%) 3 Sat (+260%) 11 Mon (+260%) 12 Sun (+238%) Tue (+57%) Sun (+6%) Fri (=0%)
Iowa 7 Sat (+350%) 16 Sat (+350%) 23 Sat (+350%) 23 Mon (+350%) 2 Tue (+350%) Sun (+59%) Mon (+44%) Tue (+29%)
Kansas 19 Fri (+500%) 10 Mon (+500%) 3 Sun (+350%) 12 Sun (+350%) 22 Sun (+350%) Fri (+125%) Sun (+88%) Sat (+14%)
Kentucky 23 Sun (+350%) 18 Fri (+286%) 3 Sun (+221%) 7 Sun (+200%) 12 Sun (+200%) Fri (+38%) Sun (+25%) Sat


Louisiana 9 Sat (+350%) 1 Mon (+350%) 6 Sun (+260%) 13 Sat (+200%) 16 Sat (+200%) Tue (+50%) Sun (+29%) Sat (+8%)
Maine 12 Mon (+800%) 1 Tue (+800%) 2 Sat (+440%) 23 Fri (+350%) 10 Sat (+350%) Sat (+46%) Tue (+29%) Fri (=0%)
Maryland 3 Tue (+575%) 11 Sat (+350%) 12 Sat (+350%) 4 Sun (+350%) 3 Mon (+350%) Tue (+114%) Sun (+49%) Fri (+11%)
Massachusetts 15 Sat (+350%) 11 Sun (+260%) 18 Fri (+200%) 18 Sat (+200%) 4 Sun (+200%) Fri (+20%) Sat (+17%) Tue (+13%)
Michigan 3 Tue (+350%) 0 Mon (+200%) 1 Mon (+200%) 6 Sun (+157%) 3 Sat (+145%) Tue (+50%) Sat (-2%) Mon


Minnesota 22 Sun (+800%) 11 Mon (+800%) 22 Sat (+500%) 17 Sat (+350%) 21 Sun (+350%) Sat (+21%) Mon (+1%) Sun


Mississippi 4 Tue (+800%) 12 Sat (+350%) 5 Mon (+350%) 0 Mon (+200%) 1 Mon (+200%) Tue (+35%) Sat (+11%) Mon (+9%)
Missouri 4 Mon (+350%) 23 Sun (+300%) 18 Fri (+260%) 6 Sat (+260%) 10 Sat (+200%) Fri (+44%) Sat (+11%) Mon (+8%)
Montana 6 Sat (+800%) 7 Sat (+800%) 4 Sun (+800%) 5 Sun (+800%) 18 Sun (+500%) Sun (+75%) Sat (+20%) Mon


Nebraska 1 Sat (+800%) 0 Mon (+800%) 20 Sat (+500%) 23 Sun (+500%) 8 Mon (+350%) Sat (+3%) Mon (+2%) Sun


Nevada 18 Fri (+800%) 23 Mon (+800%) 2 Tue (+500%) 2 Sat (+350%) 7 Sat (+350%) Tue (+112%) Fri (+41%) Sat (+9%)
New Hampshire 20 Fri (+800%) 11 Sat (+800%) 5 Mon (+800%) 13 Mon (+800%) 17 Sat (+350%) Mon (+75%) Sat (+34%) Fri (+%)
New Jersey 3 Mon (+800%) 9 Sat (+350%) 4 Tue (+350%) 17 Mon (+260%) 7 Sat (+200%) Tue (+44%) Sat (+14%) Mon (+7%)
New Mexico 8 Sun (+500%) 16 Sat (+350%) 16 Sun (+350%) 1 Mon (+350%) 2 Mon (+350%) Fri (+98%) Sun (+65%) Mon (+39%)
New York 10 Mon (+350%) 0 Mon (+227%) 3 Sat (+181%) 5 Sat (+170%) 23 Sat (+170%) Sat (+20%) Mon (+9%) Sun


North Carolina 23 Sun (+350%) 4 Tue (+350%) 0 Mon (+200%) 0 Tue (+157%) 1 Tue (+157%) Tue (+70%) Fri (+19%) Sat (+12%)
North Dakota 18 Sun (+800%) 1 Tue (+800%) 21 Sat (+350%) 22 Sun (+350%) 14 Mon (+350%) Tue (+200%) Sun (+44%) Fri (+6%)
Ohio 3 Mon (+350%) 23 Mon (+286%) 10 Sat (+200%) 10 Sun (+200%) 11 Sun (+200%) Sun (+%) Mon (-6%) Tue


Oklahoma 11 Sun (+440%) 18 Mon (+414%) 2 Sat (+350%) 14 Mon (+260%) 18 Fri (+238%) Mon (+61%) Fri (+45%) Tue (+42%)
Oregon 2 Sat (+575%) 12 Sat (+350%) 6 Sun (+350%) 18 Mon (+350%) 4 Tue (+350%) Sat (+35%) Tue (+20%) Mon (+9%)
Pennsylvania 23 Mon (+350%) 18 Mon (+309%) 8 Sat (+260%) 1 Mon (+238%) 22 Mon (+227%) Tue (+38%) Mon (+21%) Sat (+13%)
Rhode Island 22 Sat (+800%) 1 Sun (+800%) 10 Sun (+800%) 11 Sun (+800%) 3 Mon (+800%) Tue (+80%) Sun (+64%) Sat (+23%)
South Carolina 17 Mon (+260%) 9 Sun (+200%) 23 Sun (+200%) 13 Sun (+157%) 14 Sun (+157%) Sun (+29%) Mon (+21%) Sat (+13%)
South Dakota 23 Fri (+800%) 12 Sun (+800%) 9 Mon (+800%) 18 Sat (+350%) 21 Mon (+350%) Tue (+200%) Fri (+108%) Sat (+5%)
Tennessee 5 Sun (+309%) 2 Sat (+238%) 0 Mon (+238%) 12 Mon (+227%) 12 Sun (+177%) Sat (+8%) Mon (+6%) Fri (+3%)
Texas 4 Tue (+125%) 0 Mon (+113%) 17 Sun (+103%) 6 Sat (+93%) 20 Mon (+76%) Tue (+20%) Mon (+11%) Fri (+5%)
Utah 23 Sun (+800%) 12 Sat (+440%) 18 Fri (+350%) 21 Fri (+350%) 23 Fri (+350%) Fri (+112%) Tue (+29%) Sat


Vermont 18 Sat (+800%) 21 Sat (+800%) 23 Sat (+800%) 4 Mon (+800%) 19 Fri (+350%) Sat (+96%) Mon (+44%) Sun (+42%)
Virginia 23 Mon (+350%) 0 Tue (+350%) 18 Sun (+200%) 19 Sun (+200%) 0 Mon (+200%) Mon (+47%) Tue (+35%) Sat (+26%)
Washington 23 Fri (+350%) 12 Sun (+350%) 0 Mon (+350%) 3 Mon (+350%) 15 Mon (+300%) Fri (+58%) Mon (+17%) Sat


West Virginia 14 Sat (+800%) 7 Mon (+800%) 12 Sun (+350%) 14 Sun (+350%) 0 Mon (+350%) Tue (+100%) Mon (+41%) Sun (+37%)
Wisconsin 7 Sat (+800%) 2 Mon (+800%) 9 Mon (+800%) 3 Mon (+350%) 16 Sun (+227%) Mon (+30%) Sat (+18%) Sun


Wyoming 13 Sat (+800%) 20 Sat (+800%) 10 Sun (+800%) 22 Sun (+800%) 17 Mon (+500%) Mon (+118%) Sun (+15%) Sat


U.S. Overall 0 Mon (+73%) 2 Mon (+66%) 3 Mon (+54%) 1 Mon (+54%) 22 Sun (+48%) Tue (+17%) Mon (+12%) Sun (+5%)


Data are formatted Hour starting at [number] in 24-hour clock format on Day, followed by (Percentage difference to baseline average of fatal crashes for this location for this time). For example, U.S. Overall 0 Mon (+73%) means that for the hour beginning at 00:00 on Monday (Labor Day) for the U.S. Overall, fatal crashes were 73% more frequent than the baseline average of fatal crashes in the hour beginning 00:00 on Mondays surrounding Labor Day for the U.S. Overall.


The days of Labor Day weekend with the highest rates of drunk driving in fatal crashes in each state and D.C. by percentage above the average for each day
Location Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Alabama Mon (+170%) Fri (+32%) Sat


Alaska Sun (+64%) Sat (+13%) No Data
Arizona Mon (+80%) Sun (+71%) Sat


Arkansas Mon (+112%) Sun (+15%) Sat


California Tue (+93%) Mon (+70%) Sat (+9%)
Colorado Mon (+60%) Sun (+5%) Sat


Connecticut Mon (+100%) Sat (+60%) Tue (+29%)
Delaware Mon (+350%) Sat (+108%) Sun (+20%)
District of Columbia Sat (+200%) No Data No Data
Florida Tue (+67%) Mon (+47%) Fri (+33%)
Georgia Mon (+104%) Sun (+42%) Fri (+16%)
Hawaii Sat (+13%) Sun (+6%) No Data
Idaho Fri (+100%) Sat (+75%) Sun (-57%)
Illinois Mon (+64%) Tue (+50%) Fri (+22%)
Indiana Tue (+286%) Sat (+88%) Fri (+73%)
Iowa Mon (+286%) Tue (+200%) Sun (+13%)
Kansas Tue (+350%) Sun (+103%) Fri (+93%)
Kentucky Mon (+45%) Sun (+20%) Sat (+7%)
Louisiana Sun (+30%) Mon (+20%) Sat


Maine Tue (+350%) Sat (+38%) Fri


Maryland Tue (+80%) Sun (+58%) Mon (+54%)
Massachusetts Mon (+20%) Sun (+6%) Sat


Michigan Tue (+140%) Mon (+102%) Sun (+24%)
Minnesota Mon (+32%) Fri (+20%) Sat


Mississippi Tue (+200%) Mon (+80%) Sat (+27%)
Missouri Fri (+88%) Mon (+23%) Sat


Montana Sun (+114%) Sat (+89%) Mon


Nebraska Fri (+29%) Sun (+6%) Sat (=0%)
Nevada Mon (+140%) Sun (+96%) Tue (+50%)
New Hampshire Sat (+73%) Mon (+50%) Sun (+29%)
New Jersey Mon (+50%) Mon (+50%) Sat


New Mexico Tue (+350%) Mon (+200%) Sun (+95%)
New York Mon (+125%) Sun (+7%) Sat (=0%)
North Carolina Tue (+100%) Fri (+34%) Mon (+25%)
North Dakota Tue (+350%) Fri (+64%) Sun (+20%)
Ohio Mon (+89%) Sun




Oklahoma Mon (+105%) Tue (+80%) Sat (+50%)
Oregon Mon (+108%) Sun (+26%) Sat (+9%)
Pennsylvania Tue (+260%) Mon (+98%) Sat (+17%)
Rhode Island Tue (+125%) Sat




South Carolina Mon (+74%) Sun (+60%) Sat (+44%)
South Dakota Tue (+350%) Sat




Tennessee Mon (+65%) Sat (+26%) Fri (+7%)
Texas Mon (+73%) Tue (+59%) Fri (+51%)
Utah Fri (+238%) Mon (=0%) Sat


Vermont Sat (+145%) Fri (+50%) No Data
Virginia Tue (+80%) Mon (+40%) Sun (+8%)
Washington Fri (+67%) Mon (+7%) Sun


West Virginia Tue (+200%) Mon (+137%) Sat (+45%)
Wisconsin Mon (+120%) Sun (+55%) Sat (+24%)
Wyoming Mon (+200%) Fri (+50%) Sat (+4%)
U.S. Overall Mon (+68%) Tue (+25%) Sun (+10%)


Data are formatted Day followed by (Percentage difference to baseline average of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers for this location for this time). For example, U.S. Overall Mon (+68%) means that for Monday (Labor Day), fatal crashes involving drunk drivers were 68% more frequent than the baseline average of fatal crashes involving drunk drivers on Mondays surrounding Labor Day for the U.S. Overall.


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]