Things to do This Weekend: Feb. 4, 5, 6


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – This weekend is full of theater, and other events for you to explore. Check out our list of local events happening this weekend:

  1. “MOTHERHOOD THE MUSICAL” BY UWSP AT MARSHFIELD (Friday – Sunday) –The UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield theater program will be presenting “Motherhood the Musical” on February 4-5 at 7:30 p.m. and February 6 at 2 p.m at the Helen Connor Laird Theatre.Hear four women share insights, challenges and pleasures of motherhood at a baby shower–including a soon-to-be first-time mom, a hard-working lawyer, a stressed-out mother of five, and a single mom seeking to balance work, her family and her divorce. “Motherhood the Musical” is a funny, yet loving look at being a mom at any age.The talented cast includes Joelle Clark, Pat Ellis, Alanna Feddick-Goodwin, Montana Smith and Kris Hughes with musicians Kathy Biederwolf, Bruce Feldt and Gerritt Rustad under direction of Donna Thompson.The performances take place in the Helen Connor Laird Theatre at UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at
  2. 35TH ANNUAL CENTRAL WI FARM TOY SHOW (Sunday) – The Marshfield High School FFA Alumni Association and Marshfield FFA will be hosting a farm toy show on Sunday, Feb. 6 beginning at 9 a.m. The event will run until 3 p.m. at the Marshfield Fieldhouse. Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for ages 10 – 17 and under 10 is free. A Kid’s Pedal Pull will take place at 12:30 for ages 5 – 12. Registration for the pedal pull will take place at noon.
  3. CENTRAL WISCONSIN VINTAGE SNOCROSS RACES – ARPINX (Satuday) –  Snowmobile races will begin on Saturday at 9 a.m. at Kandy Kane Park in Arpin. Admission is $8.
  4. Pittsville Fisheree:


1. 1970’s open – any sled made in 70’s
2. 1980’s open – any sled made in 80’s
3. 1990’s open – any sled made in 90’s
4. leaf spring class
5. doubles race any size sled
6. 499cc sleds and below
7. powder puff women only – any size
8. 599cc sleds and below
9. vintage person race (40+ age and older)
10. 600cc and above
11. Powder puff women only – any year sled
12. Doubles race open year – any year sled
13. Open class any year, any size, even a brand new sled if you want
News Desk
Author: News Desk