Three Vehicles Involved in Wood County Accident Friday

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OnFocus – On Friday at 5:02pm, three vehicles were traveling westbound on State Highway 73 approaching Carousel CT.

According to Wood County Sheriff’s Department, the front vehicle was slowing to turn left onto Carousel CT. The following vehicle was a passenger car and did not observe the vehicle slowing to turn so they abruptly braked to avoid colliding with the turning vehicle.

The third vehicle was a pickup truck and it rear-ended the second vehicle causing extensive damage. The pickup truck went into the oncoming lane on STH 73 and struck an oncoming passenger car head-on.

The passenger of the vehicle rear-ended was transported by ambulance for non-life-threatening injuries. The driver of the car which was struck head-on was also
transported by ambulance with non-life-threatening injuries.

Due to the crash, STH 73 was closed between STH 13 and CTH Z for approximately 1 hour. Nekoosa PD, Port Edwards PD, Wood County Sheriff’s Rescue, Nekoosa Fire, Wisconsin Rapids Ambulance and Saratoga First Responders assisted the Wood County Sheriff’s Department.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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