Tom Buttke Recognized as United Way’s Volunteer of the Year

Marshfield Area United Way

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Tom Buttke was recognized as Marshfield Area United Way’s 2018 Volunteer of the Year.

Since fall 2017, Buttke raised over $3,000 for Nutrition on Weekends, a program which provides nutritional snacks for at-risk children in area school districts.

“United Way was thrilled to be able to award Tom Buttke the Volunteer of the Year Award,” said Paula Jero, Executive Director. “He has helped to provide funding to the program through recycling tin and aluminum. He has recycled almost 9,000 pounds of tin, and 3,000 pounds of aluminum (83,000 aluminum cans), and has donated the proceeds.”

“When I deliver the money to the United Way Office, they are always thankful and very kind,” said Buttke, “so as much as the award is nice, they have always shown how thankful they are.”

“Tom has a big heart for our community and an even bigger heart for kids,” said Jero. “He has made bookmarks for all 370 kids in the NOW program, just personal touches to let the kids know that someone in the community is thinking about them. We are thrilled to have Tom as a volunteer. He truly brightens our day.”

“There is no better feeling when I am helping people, especially children,” he said. “I am very honored to receive this award, and would like to ask all people to help people and children in need.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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