Trierweiler Construction Still a Family Affair


Construction Business Behind Key Local Projects

Trierweiler Construction & Supply Co. has come a long way since it was started by William Trierweiler in 1915.

More than a hundred years later, it’s still a family businessnow heading into the fourth generationwith some big projects under its belt. The company started with a five-man crew and today has about 150, and an annual sale volume of $40 million.

That early crew replaced Marshfield’s sidewalks with concrete, which had to be mixed by hand and hauled in wheelbarrows. Another early project was street paving in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin.

Intersection of Veterans/Centeral. Photo Credit: Steven Okonek/ Tri-Media.

Several decades later, the company became a corporation in 1947. Two of William’s four sons, Robert and Edward, joined and started highway work and contracting with Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The other two brothers, Harold and Ted, joined in 1963 after serving in the military. The four continued to run the company after William’s death in 1970.

Technology has changed a lot since those wheelbarrow-hauling days. “We went through multiple phases of paving styles from the ’50s versions,” said Matt Trierweiler. “We’re keeping up with technology.”

A permanent, state-of-the-art ready mix plant was installed in 1990 in Marshfield and provides heated water for year-round operation. It can produce 200 cubic yards per hour.

Today, Trierweiler Construction produces product at both the residential and commercial level. The company poured Hwy 151 (East Washington) from I-90 to the Capitol. Locally, they paved Veterans Parkway and won a National Award of Excellence for their work on reconstructing Central Avenue.


The company paved most of the new Highway 10 from Marshfield to Stevens Point. Other projects have taken them to Wausau, Green Bay, Chippewa Falls, and Eau Claire for interchange and highway work.

Trierweiler said the company is content to remain in Marshfield. “We were all from here. Our grandpa and his dad were all from Marshfield.” The city is also in an ideal spot, right in the center of the state.

For project photos and more information, visit the Trierweiler Construction Facebook page.


News Desk
Author: News Desk