UPDATE: Two Fatalities in HWY 173 Crash

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Update 10/10: Names have been released. Jason Dahms, 45, of Custer drove a box truck into the other lane to go around work crews who were working on HWY 173. He collided with a dump truck driven by 57 year-old Wisconsin Rapids resident Edward Singstock.

UPDATE 5:30 p.m.:

A Wednesday morning crash resulted in two fatalities on WIS 173 NB at CTH GG in Wood County near Nekoosa.

Shortly before 10:30 a.m.,  the State Patrol responded to a two vehicle crash on STH 173 near Kimball Ave. The Wood County Highway Department was conducting highway maintenance on STH 173 when a 2019 Peterbilt box truck was traveling eastbound on STH 173.

The 45 year-old driver from Custer, WI approached the highway maintenance operation and traveled into the westbound lane of traffic where a 2019 Kenworth dump truck driven by a 57 year-old male from Wisconsin Rapids crashed into the box truck.

The drivers were the only occupants in the vehicle and were both pronounced deceased on scene. The State Patrol Technical Reconstruction Unit responded to the scene. The State Patrol will be conducting the crash investigation, which remains ongoing.

Original report:
Both drivers were killed in an accident involving a dump truck and commercial truck which occurred late Wednesday morning on HWY 173 west of Kimball Ave. The Wisconsin State Patrol is handling the investigation.

More details are expected to be released shortly by the State Patrol.

Traffic Alert: Semi vs. Truck Accident on HWY 173

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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