Two Injured in Fire at Pittsville Residence

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Pittsville, WI (OnFocus) The Pittsville Fire Company responded to a residential fire at 8481 Veedum Street in Pittsville at 8:24 p.m. on Tuesday.

A Box Alarm was requested for additional manpower. Vesper, Arpin, Richfield, and Central RIT fire departments responded and Pittsville Police Department assisted on the scene.

The fire started in a bathroom of the two-story structure and had spread to the stairwell on the second floor, but was easily extinguished, according to Pittsville Fire Chief Jerry Minor.

The owner of the residence and his son were home at the time of the fire. Both sustained minor injuries including burns, scrapes, and smoke inhalation while escaping via a second story window. They were treated on scene but turned down additional medical treatment. Their dog, which was also inside, was not injured in the incident.

The bathroom and stairwell sustained the most damage due to high heat and smoke. The building itself is structurally safe, said Minor.

The fire is under investigation and no cause has been determined. A damage estimate was not available. Pittsville Fire Company returned to the station at 11:18 p.m.

Central Wisconsin Fire Agencies Complete Live Fire Training with Donated House

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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