Two Juveniles Arrested After Armed Robbery in Rudolph

armed robbery rudolph
Wood County Sheriff Dept

RUDOLPH, WI (OnFocus) – On Monday, August 14, 2023, at approximately 7:12 p.m., the Wood County Dispatch Center received a report of an armed robbery at R Store located at 6773 State Highway 13-34 in the Village of Rudolph.

The initial information indicated two male subjects, who the employee thought were approximately 16 years of age, approached the store from the north. The individuals concealed their identity with hoods over their faces. Upon entering the business, one of the male individuals displayed a black handgun and they left with an undetermined amount of cash and vaping materials.

No injuries to any individuals involved were reported. After Wood County Deputies arrived, they began conducting interviews of individuals in the area and learned of several possible leads.

At approximately, 11: 15 p.m., the investigation revealed two individuals responsible. After conducting several more interviews, a 13 year-old male and a 14 year-old male were taken into custody and transported to an area juvenile detention facility.

The weapon used in this incident was identified as an air soft type pistol and was recovered. The Wood County Sheriff’s Department was assisted by the Portage County Sheriff’s Office, the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department and the Wood County Dispatch Center.

The Wood County Sheriff’s Department would especially like to thank the community for reaching out through social media, Wood County Dispatch and Crirnestoppers with information during this investigation as it was essential in identifying the individuals responsible. Because of the ages of the individuals involved, no additional information will be released.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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