U.S. House of Representatives Committee Requests Information from NFL Regarding its investigation of Washington Football Team


Washington, D.C. (OnFocus) – The United States House of Representatives, through its Committee on Oversight and Reform, has written the National Football League requesting documents and information surrounding the NFL’s investigation of the Washington Football Team, formerly known as the Washington Redskins.

“We write to request documents and information concerning the Washington Football
Team’s (WFT) hostile workplace culture and the National Football League’s (NFL) investigation into this matter. The allegations that prompted the NFL’s year-long investigation were alarming: rampant sexual harassment, a culture of verbal abuse, and surreptitious recording of female employees undressing. In response to the mounting public allegations, in July 2020, WFT owner Dan Snyder retained a prominent attorney and former federal prosecutor, Beth Wilkinson, to conduct an “independent” investigation into the WFT’s workplace culture. As part of her investigation, Ms. Wilkinson reportedly began raising questions about a 2009 sexual misconduct allegation against Mr. Snyder that had resulted in a $1.6 million confidential settlement.
On August 26, 2020, The Washington Post revealed additional allegations, including that in 2008, WFT employees were instructed to make a video containing lewd outtakes of a WFT cheerleader photo shoot for the personal enjoyment of Mr. Snyder and other executives.
Five days later, on August 31, 2020, Mr. Snyder requested that the NFL “assume full oversight of [Ms. Wilkinson’s] investigation.”

Carolyn Maloney, chairwoman of  the committee, requests the information below and responses to questions that follow: (by November 4)

1. All documents and communications obtained in connection with the investigation
into the WFT, its management, its owners, and any other matter relating to or
resulting from the WFT investigation;
2. All reports or findings made in connection with investigationsinto the WFT,
including but not limited to semi-annual reports from the WFT, and all documents
and notes referring or relating to any oral reports and findings; and
3. All NFL policies and procedures referring or relating to the use of confidentiality
and non-disclosure agreements by the NFL and its teams.
The Committee also requests answers to the following questions by November 4, 2021:
1. What reasons did the WFT provide for requesting that the NFL assume “full
oversight” over Ms. Wilkinson’s investigation, and why did the NFL agree to
assume this role?
2. Please describe in detail the NFL’s role in overseeing Ms. Wilkinson’s
investigation, and what changes, if any, were implemented as a result of the
NFL’s role.
3. Please describe in detail Mr. Pash’s role in the investigations described in this
letter, if any.
4. Please provide a list of all NFL employees who were involved in overseeing Ms.
Wilkinson’s investigation, including their names and job titles, and describe in
detail each of their roles.
https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/issa-cummings-warn-nflpa-that-players-may-be-called-beforecommittee); Committee on Government Reform, Hearing on Steroid Use in Sports, Part II: Examining the National
Football League’s Policy on Anabolic Steroids and Related Substances, 109th Cong. (Apr. 27, 2005) (www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-109hhrg21242/pdf/CHRG-109hhrg21242.pdf).
5. How often did the NFL communicate with Ms. Wilkinson or members of her
team during the investigation, and how did these communications occur (e.g., by
phone, email, or in person)?
6. Who directed Ms. Wilkinson to provide the NFL oral reports and investigative
findings, rather than written reports and investigative findings, and why? Please
provide a list of all meetings or briefings at which Ms. Wilkinson or any member
of her team provided final or preliminary findings, interim reports, or read-outs to
the NFL, the dates that they occurred, and all participants.
7. Please confirm the number of confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements
reported to the NFL, or entered into by the NFL, from January 1, 2016, through
the present, including the names of the teams involved, dates of the agreements,
and whether the agreements resulted from allegations of discrimination and
8. What actions has the NFL taken, if any, regarding the use of confidentiality and
non-disclosure agreements in matters related to workplace abuses since January 1,

Read the complete letter here: Final 2021-10-21.CBM RK to Goodell-NFL re WFT Investigation (1)


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]