Submitted to OnFocus – United for Community Wellness was created to address the impact prolonged and increased stress is having on mental health and overall wellness in our community.

Lisa Miller, therapist at Children’s Wisconsin, had increased concerns related to how the pandemic was impacting mental health issues. There was a need for something to be done, but it was hard to determine how to support the community.

It wasn’t hard gathering a group of people passionate to take on this challenge. Ashley Winch and Krystal Bowman of Marshfield Area United Way, Stacey Schultz, of the Marshfield Area Community Foundation, Joanne Greenlee, school social worker and mental health coordinator for the School District of Marshfield, and Jodi Chojnacki, a mental health therapist and passionate advocate for mental health issues joined Lisa to form United for Community Wellness. The group identified ways to support, educate and empower the community.

Each week a different topic is highlighted such as physical activity, connectedness, kindness, creative outlets of music and art, gratitude, and deep breathing. Businesses, schools, churches and organizations receive an email which includes an article, infographic, video and a positive challenge or way to utilize the information. People are encouraged to share this information with their employees or members. The goal: unite our community by offering tools to cope with stressors and stay positive during this challenging time.

Lt. Dennis Keffer of the Marshfield Police Department posts many of the topics on the department’s Facebook page and stated, “This year has given us challenges like no other. We appreciate the efforts of United for Community Wellness to center our individual lives and community interactions around positivity, wellness, and growth”.

With Covid-19 numbers continuing to rise in our community, United for Community Wellness is an important resource. If your business, school, church or organization would like to receive the email packets please contact United Way by emailing them at: [email protected].

You can also follow United Way or Marshfield Area Community Foundation on Facebook or Instagram. You can find more information on the program at: https://www.marshfieldareaunitedway.org/united-community-wellness.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

This piece was posted by our news team! Contact us or submit stories at [email protected].