United Way Now Accepting Applications for 2018 Funding


501(c)3 Charitable Human Service Organizations Encouraged to Apply

Submitted to FOCUS – Applications for 2018 funding from Marshfield Area United Way are now being accepted. The application for consideration is available online. All applications must be submitted electronically, however, a downloadable application is available for reference.

To be considered for funding, your organization or program must be a 501(c)3 charitable human service organization. Funds requested must address emerging need(s) as identified by the community’s Vision Council in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, or Health. Organizations must serve individuals living in the area encompassing the following communities: Arpin, Auburndale, Chili, Granton, Greenwood, Loyal, Marshfield, Neillsville, Pittsville, Spencer and Stratford.

Applications must be submitted to the United Way office by 4:00 pm on Friday, November 17, 2017. Please direct any questions about the application process to [email protected] or call 715-384-9992.

News Desk
Author: News Desk