Unlocked Vehicles an Easy Target for Theft


Police Investigate Break-Ins

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Vehicles left unlocked are an easy target for thieves to steal any valuables left inside.

The Marshfield Police Department is investigating multiple incidents of vehicle break-ins, several of which were reported over the last weekend.

“It’s more a crime of opportunity than anything else,” Lt. Jody Geurink.

Last Saturday around 7 a.m., an unknown white male wearing a dark sweatshirt was caught searching through a man’s unlocked vehicle on E. Becker Road and ran away when the man yelled. Nothing was discovered missing.

The footprints found at that scene matched those at a residence on W. Leonhard Street. On Saturday morning, a woman discovered tracks in the snow leading up to her unlocked vehicle and reported to police that some items had been moved around, but nothing was taken.

That same morning, a man reported a wallet stolen from his unlocked vehicle overnight on Kalsched Street. The wallet didn’t contain any cash or cards, but did contain his social security card, driver’s license, and medical insurance card.

“The biggest common denominator was that they were all unlocked,” said Geurink.

While locking up is an easy solution to prevent theft, car owners should also be selective about which items they leave unattended in the vehicle.

“I would keep valuables with you, especially things that could be dangerous, like firearms,” he said. “Don’t leave it out in the car if it’s going to be unattended for long period of time.”

Other important items, such as vehicle titles, should also be kept in a safe place.

A vehicle left unattended to warm up in the morning during the winter is also vulnerable to theft of the valuables inside, or the vehicle itself.

“It’s never a good idea to leave the car running and unlocked,” said Geurink.

The police department advises use of a second set of keys or keyless entry to keep the vehicle secure. For safety, warm up the vehicle outside the closed garage to prevent carbon monoxide from entering the home.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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