Update from Marshfield Street Department


February 20 – De-Icing City Streets

OnFocus met with Acting Street Superintendent Kurt Bornbach this morning to discuss which measures the street department is taking to de-ice the city streets.

Responsible for keeping travelers of Marshfield’s 321.2 lane miles as safe as possible, the street division was out yesterday at noon to start preparing for today’s storm.

“All the streets need to be taken care of,” said Bornbach. “We generally start on the heavier-travelled ones.”

Bornbach also showcased the division’s salt and sand storage sheds. Sand is delivered to boxes throughout the city, which are used by crossing guards to sand intersections as needed. The sand boxes are also open to City residents needing sand to tend to their sidewalks.



Street Division Updates Anti-Icing Method


News Desk
Author: News Desk