Stilt Walking World Record Comes Home to Wisconsin AGAIN!
MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – On Saturday, June 4, Ashley McCauley and Jordan Wolf took to the sky as they attempted to break the world record for the tallest stilt walk.
The duo has been around stilts their whole life as their father broke the Guinness World Record for the tallest stilts used for walking in 1978. Their brother Travis then broke the record in 1998 at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida at 40′ 10 1/4″ and held it for a couple of years.
Saimaiti Yiming of China currently holds the record with a walk of 10 steps on 53-foot, 10-inch stilts in 2006.
In October of 2021, the siblings announced that they would be attempting to break the record in June of 2022.

Wolf and McCauley have been using a silo to practice getting a feel for the 54-foot stilts while having a safety measure around them. McCauley said in October that the team has been training for this since they were young.
“We have started training,” McCauley said. “We have been training our whole lives for this really but these stilts are going to be 54 feet. Strapping these 54-foot stilts on will be pretty heavy but it can be done. It will be done.”
The family has participated in stilt walking at many local events including Loyal Corn Fest, the Greenwood Parade, Northern Wisconsin State Fair and much more. They have also traveled across the U.S. showcasing their talents.
The motivation for breaking the record comes from the family legacy of being record-breaking stilt walkers.
“We really want to bring it back to the family name,” McCauley said. “We still have a little bit of crazy left in us. And our kids think it’s pretty cool so we want them to keep thinking we’re cool.”

This Saturday morning, that crazy came to life as Ashley McCauley (Wolf) became the first woman to break the world record. Those in attendance celebrated with cheers and raw emotion as she hugged her big brother Travis, the previous Wolf to hold the record.
Next up, Jordan took aim at beating Ashely’s record and becoming the current world record holder. As the sun rose over the Marshfield Fairgrounds, the wind increased making the record-breaking attempt only more difficult.
After several attempt, reaching first 4 steps, then 5 steps, then 7, then 8 and lastly 9, before Jordon took one last attempt at breaking the record. At 7:22 AM, Jordan Wolf was crowned the Tallest Stilt Walker in the World, alongside his sister Ashley who has previously held the record and who became the first woman to break it only 39 minutes earlier.
If you’re interested in keeping up with the crew, you can tune into the Sky High Little Guys YouTube page for updates along their journey.
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