Veteran Education Expert to Speak at Next Chapter Meeting

deb fillman
Deb Fillman/submitted

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Education expert Deb Fillman will speak at the next Moms For Liberty Wood County chapter meeting on October 10 at 6:30pm in Marshfield (Second Street Community Center).

“There has been lots of success welcoming guest speakers to help educate our parents and citizens in Wood County,” said Mary Jo Wheeler, Wood County Moms for Liberty Chapter President. “In October, we are welcoming Deb Fillman, who will speak about the challenges facing traditional schools today as well as what’s wrong with modern education.”

Deb Fillman is a writer, speaker, and content producer who translates complex, and often confusing ideas and information about K-12 education, so parents can make informed decisions for their children, and teachers can pursue their calling with integrity and passion.

With over a decade of experience teaching, tutoring, and researching trends in educational theory and practice, Deb is focused on understanding and solving the problems created when schools abandoned political neutrality and knowledge-based curriculum, to prioritize political activism rather than academic excellence.

As a private consultant and public speaker, she advises people across America to:

  • connect individual liberty to educational freedom
  • understand the difference between the educational, and the ideological
  • create effective customized learning and teaching solutions

Deb holds a BA from Colby College in American Studies and a MS.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Fillman’s educational philosophy is a belief that the purpose of education is to develop the capacity for reason, or the thinking mind.

“I think rote learning, and the acquisition of knowledge is very important, but to what end? Unless we teach students how to apply knowledge to solve problems –novel as well as common problems–all we’ve taught them to do is repeat what they think we want to hear; all we’ve done is teach them to please someone else, often so that person or institution either won’t punish them, or will reward them for their compliance with standards set by others,” she stated. “Education has to be about more than fitting-in, passing tests and getting “good” grades. It has to develop the student’s mind to serve their own purpose of living a happy, healthy, productive life of their own choosing.”

There will be time for audience questions after the presentation.

The public is welcome to attend the event at Second Street Community Center on October 10. Joining Moms for Liberty is free and anyone is welcome to join. Voting members pay an annual $50 membership. To learn more, contact Mary Jo Wheeler at [email protected]

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