Village of Hewitt Provides Update on Yellowstone Drive Closure

yellowstone drive hewitt
Yellowstone Construction 10/3/21

HEWITT, WI (OnFocus) – The Village of Hewitt posted some updates regarding the road construction project currently taking place on Yellowstone Drive.

At the Yellowstone Project Construction meeting, on Monday, the construction company reported that it would need to add 120 hours worth of labor to re-stake survey results due to property owners removing the original stakes.

The additional survey will result in double the original budgeted amount for the survey work portion of the project.

The grass mats that have been put down as part of the restoration project and are not to be tampered with to ensure grass seeding is evenly distributed and permanent.

Beginning this week, concrete curb work is scheduled for those areas designed for such. Topsoil restoration will continue. Rough grading of base aggregate will take place.

The first week of October will mark the beginning of the fine grading of the base aggregate and street paving will be scheduled.

Ultimately, the construction companies will be ahead of schedule by a week if all goes as scheduled.

Please continue to use alternative access routes as much as possible. Lanae and Third Streets are open to Yellowstone Drive. Follow the detour signs to avoid the construction area.

Village Project Contacts:
Mike Draxler, Village Street Commissioner – 715-305-0247
Travis Wienke, Roads Committee Member – 715-305-5654
Marlene Stueland, Village President – 715-387-2739

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News Desk
Author: News Desk