Virtual Funeral Services

video streaming funerals

Celebrations of Life Streamed Live

As the community adjust to life during the COVID-19 pandemic, families are facing challenges in how to host funerals, burial services, and celebrations of life. Local funeral homes are doing what they can to accommodate, and now TriMedia LLC is now offering live streaming of funeral services to families in the area.

“Farewell gatherings are important for the mind, body, and spirit. During these times, connecting virtually is essential for our safety and the safety of those we love,” said Branden Bodendorfer, CEO. “Providing virtual services will connect your loved ones with family and friends across the world. It also allows our staff to maintain employment during this time.”

Services are streamed privately to those the host invites, and consist of a professional, high quality video stream that is personable and respectful.

“We know that connecting with one another and sharing in the celebration of life – no matter how far the distance between each other may be – is important to our healing process,” said Bodendorfer. “We would be honored to work with anyone in need of this service.”

For more information, contact [email protected]

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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