Virtual Nutcracker Raises Over $4,500 for Local Dance Studio

Photo (C) Branden Bodendorfer

OnFocus – This year marked Main Street Conservatory of Dance’s 18th year producing “The Nutcracker” ballet for the Marshfield community, but it was the first year the program had a “virtual” audience.

The performance was conducted with social distancing and other safety measures in place, and filmed by local company TriMedia. Apparel and tickets to view the performance were sold to help fundraise. After the show, those with a ticket could view the special performance and download a copy for posterity. In total, the effort helped raise more than $4,500 for MSCD.

“We’re really thankful we were able to help Main Street Conservatory of Dance continue this local tradition,” said Branden Bodendorfer, TriMedia. “The dancers work so hard and it’s great that we could find a way to showcase them and help them raise funds in a year where it’s been particularly challenging for local arts.”

This year’s production included approximately 75 performers, including students from the Classical Ballet Program and Jazz Company, and featuring the dancers of the Marshfield Youth Ballet Company as well as a few members of the studio community.

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