Weapons, Drugs Stopped at Wood County Courthouse Under New Security Measures

Lt. Bryan Peterson and Deputies Sara McCormick and Cory Leigh. Wood County Sheriff's Department/FB

(OnFocus) The sheriff’s department reported a busy first week after security was tightened at the Wood County Courthouse beginning Oct. 7.

Under the new measures, side exits were closed and the public is now required to enter through a single entrance, where a scanning station and metal detector are present. The Wood County Sheriff’s Department added three full-time positions for courthouse security.

Deputies stopped 52 knives, 3 canisters of pepper spray, and 3 firearms from entering the courthouse in the new system’s first week.

The majority of those were pocket knives carried by visitors who had forgotten about the new security measures or had not realized these would be flagged.

“It’s just something that people are slowly getting used to,” said Lt. Bryan Peterson. “A good thing is a lot of courthouses around us have already have this implemented, so it’s not totally out of the norm.”

The three firearms belonged to persons licensed for concealed carry. However, it is illegal to bring a firearm into a courthouse. The new security system provides a chance to educate people on these rules, Peterson said.

“I think the more this is seen and the public is aware of it, the more they’re going to know what they can bring and what they can’t bring in,” he said.

That includes unnecessary items, like hand tools, which could be construed as possible weapons. Deputies advise that any item not needed at the courthouse should be left in the vehicle.

The security system has also been effective in keeping out more than just weapons. On Monday during a routine inspection of the grounds, deputies discovered a half gram of methamphetamine that somebody had hidden.

“It’s not just stopping weapons, it’s actually stopping drugs also from coming into the courthouse,” said Peterson.

The new system has gone smoothly in its first week without much delay for visitors. The busiest time is between 8-9 a.m. if there is a hearing. Public feedback has been positive.

“It’s something they expected that we should have done quite awhile ago,” said Peterson. “The majority of the public like to see that we do have it and speak highly of it when they come through. That’s good to hear.”

A list of prohibited items*:

-Legal firearms, including pellet and BB guns
-Legal knives or edge instruments
-Facsimile weapons
-Brass knuckles
-Gun case or holder
-Stun guns
-Chemical mace
-Non-working electronic devices
-Razor blades
-Heavy metal items such as locks, chains, handcuffs, large keys
-Animals other than authorized service animals
-Combustible gases or flammable liquids
-Any item which could be construed as a possible weapon by the screening officer
-Any item deemed unnecessary or a security threat
-Nuisance items such as bicycles and skateboards

*The Wood County Sheriff’s Department will not store any items.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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