Food Drive at Weiler Convenience Store Aims to ‘Feed the Less Fortunate’


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) A local food drive aims to “feed the less fortunate” while providing the opportunity to win prizes.

Weiler Convenience Store at 2005 N. Central Ave. by Walmart is the drop-off site for a collection benefiting Soup or Socks food pantry. For every 12 unexpired food products, participants can submit an entry to win local gift certificates and car wash tokens.

Store manager Trisha Mayer organized the drive with support from friends Mindy Schuld and Kendra Schmidtke and sponsors, including Thrivent Financial and Melody Gardens.

“Trisha has been very passionate about Soup or Socks for a while now, helping to gain more community knowledge about this program that many had no idea even existed,” said Schuld. “I am fortunate to have the ability to partner with Thrivent Financial and their action team program. It’s a wonderful way to combine resources into gaining more exposure for such an awesome program and helping anyone who may be a little down on their luck right now.”

There is also a separate kids raffle for gift baskets to get children excited about the cause.

“My favorite part of any food drive for Soup or Socks is hearing about how our work made people more aware of Soup or Socks and what it does to help the less fortunate in our community,” said Mayer.

Soup or Socks serves on average 75-100 families each month. The food pantry saw a large spike in need from 2017 to 2018 which has since stayed constant, putting pressure on the pantry to keep its shelves filled.

“The shelves are pretty depleted right now,” said Cheryl Lewis Hartl, Director. “I have always joked that when I started to ask for green beans or corn, you would know we were in trouble. Well we are not there yet, but our supply of corn and green beans is about half what it was in May.”

Critical needs are canned fruit, tomatoes, pork and beans, jelly, and mayonnaise, she said.

A drawing of names for prizes will take place on Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. Participants need not be present to win. Donations can be dropped off at the north location.

“This season is truly about loving one another, caring for others and sharing what we can,” said Schuld.

Donation List (Suggested):

Rice Mix
Instant Potatoes
Canned Potatoes
Canned Carrots
Canned Mixed Vegetables
Baking Mix (like Bisquick or Jiffy)
Canned Pasta Meals
Tomato Sauce and Paste
Canned or Bottled 100% Juice
Canned Meat

Non-Food Needs:
Shaving Needs (razors and cream)
Bath Soap
Paper Towels
Dish Soap
All purpose cleaner

Resident Collects Food Donations for Each Year of Life

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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