Weiler Convenience Store Hosts Successful Food Drive to Fight Hunger

Trisha Mayer, center, Kendra Schmidtke (L) and Mindy Schuld.

Drive Collects 1,254 Food Items for Soup or Socks

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) A food drive hosted at Weiler Convenience Store received a big response from the community.

The collection brought in 1,254 food items, plus cash and gift cards, to benefit Soup or Socks food pantry. For every 12 unexpired food products dropped off at 2500 N. Central Ave., participants earned an entry into a drawing for local gift certificates and more.

Weiler store manager Trisha Mayer organized the drive with friends Mindy Schuld and Kendra Schmidtke. Winners of the drawing were announced Wednesday afternoon.

“The drawing yesterday was so anticipated!” said Mayer. “It was fun gathering all the food and donations. With many toy drives and such going on right now, the amount we raised is astounding. It warms my heart getting to experience so many people being gracious with their own hard-earned money, whether it be donating the prizes or the food and gift certificates.”

One local businesses took up a private collection to donate toward the cause.

“Rice’s Capitol Carpet started their own little food drive to donate to our food drive, that goes to show how wonderful our community really is,” Mayer said. “Kendra and Mindy should both be so proud of their efforts getting the ball rolling!”

The food drive, which began in November, was well-timed to assist Soup or Socks until donations could start arriving from Rotary Winter Wonderland. Donations dropped off by Mayer went straight on the shelves.

“It’s helped a lot,” said Cheryl Lewis Hartl, Soup or Socks Director.

The food pantry continues to see a heavy need for its services, assisting 75-100 families each month. “Even with all the donations coming in, all we have is what’s on our shelf,” she said.

So far, the food pantry has received about 80 boxes from Rotary and estimates the food donated during the holiday lights season will last until March.

A few needed items include jelly, canned tomatoes, canned stew and chili, and broth. Food items can be donated through Rotary Winter Wonderland at Wildwood Zoo until Dec. 31 or dropped off at Soup or Socks, located at 200 S. Lincoln Ave. by 1st Presbyterian Church. All food items should be unexpired.

Food Drive at Weiler Convenience Store Aims to ‘Feed the Less Fortunate’

Rotary Winter Wonderland Season Kicks Off this Friday

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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