Weiler Convenience Store’s “Lava Car Wash” Gets Remodeled


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Weiler Convenience Store’s “Lava Car Wash” has long been a staple in the Marshfield community, and the North Central Avenue location recently underwent a full remodel.

“It’s been there a lot of years,” said Kelly Weiler, owner. “We decided to update the car wash because we felt there was a need for more car washes in town.”

Weiler said that the updated car wash uses an improved process and soap to provide a high-quality shine and higher level of cleanliness.

“The dryer and the soap are both unique,” she said. “There’s an extra shine and an added fresh smell.”

The popular “light show” is still a part of the wash, to the excitement of local parents.

“People laugh that the light show is their family fun night or date night because the kids like to go through it,” said Weiler.

The new car wash is open 24 hours a day, accepting credit card and cash. For those that purchase gas, there is a discount on a car wash.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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