Weiler Convenience Stores Raise $1,700 for South Wood County Humane Society


In late September, the South Wood County Humane Society took in an unexpected 76 dogs after Wood County officials seized the animals from two locations in Babcock and Remington.

To help the shelter with the sudden expenses of caring for all of these animals and their medical needs, Weiler Convenience Stores decided to match up to $500 in donations made by the community. Customers who wanted to donate could do so by filling out a card at the register with however much they wanted to give.

Altogether, the store raised about $1,200 and will match part of it to bring the total up to $1,700.

Owner Kelly Weiler has five dogs of her own and wanted to help the humane society after seeing the news of the sudden intake. “We would like to thank the community,” she added.

While the program is closed, those who still want to donate to the South Wood County Humane Society can do so through GoFundMe page at this link. Volunteers are also needed to help clean and do laundry. Follow the shelter’s Facebook Page for their most current needs.

Available dogs have been posted to the website, swchs.com/


Weiler Matches Donations for South Wood County Humane Society

News Desk
Author: News Desk