Weiler’s Fundraiser Supports Local Animal Rescues

Karen Bayerl, Kelly Weiler, Laura Weiler, Scott Bayerl at MHWF

More than $6,000 Raised

Weiler Convenience Stores in Marshfield began selling specially designed shirts to raise funds for local animal welfare organizations Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) and the Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation.

“Shelters don’t have an income, so they need all funding that any company or person can raise,” said Kelly Weiler, owner. “This year was especially hard for rescues, as they have had to cancel fundraisers. We wanted to do what we could to help!”adopt dont shop shirts

She added that being locally-owned, she enjoys giving back to the community where she lives and works.

“We are a locally-owned business. We live and work here in this community and it’s important to us to do what we can to help it thrive,” said Weiler.

Featuring bright colors and the slogan “Adopt, Don’t Shop”, the shirts were a popular item. Customers could also sponsor a bag of horse food for MHWF. With help from ProVision Partners Cooperative, 40 bags of Purina Equine Feed were donated to the rescue.

In total, the fundraiser raised more than $6,000. All funds raised went directly to the rescues, with Weiler having donated all costs of the shirts. Shirts were printed locally at Premier Printing in Marshfield.

On January 27, Kelly presented a check for $3285.08 to both MAPS and MHWF.

Karen Rau and Kelly Weiler

“Many thanks to Weilers for donating the proceeds of this incredible fundraiser,” said Karen Rau, MAPS Executive Director. “We appreciate the outpouring of support for this event. The funds will help provide medical care and daily supplies for our many precious pets.”

“We are so blessed to live in such a wonderful community,” added Karen Bayerl, Executive Director of MHWF. “We are sending out the most sincere and heartfelt thank you to Weiler Convenience Stores for hosting the ‘Adopt Don’t Shop” fundraiser that benefitted both Midwest Horse Welfare Foundation (MHWF) and MAPS, and to every person who sponsored a bag of feed for the horses of MHWF!”

Weiler thanks everyone for their support and hopes to do more fundraisers in the near future.

Visit one of the three locally-owned Weiler locations at 600 N Central Ave, 2401 E 4th St, and 2005 N Central Ave.

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Author: News Desk

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